[council] Board/GAC meeting In Brussels

Neuman, Jeff Jeff.Neuman at neustar.us
Wed Feb 9 14:33:39 UTC 2011


I have sent in an rsvp, but as with all others that sent in an rsvp, I am awaiting ICANN's approval to attend. I am not sure how they will decide who is able to attend, but they said if they had too many rsvps, they would have to limit the attendance.

Do you have any more information about that process?
Jeffrey J. Neuman, Esq.
Vice President, Law & Policy
NeuStar, Inc.
Jeff.Neuman at neustar.biz

From: Stéphane Van Gelder [mailto:stephane.vangelder at indom.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 04:37 AM
To: GNSO Council <council at gnso.icann.org>
Subject: [council] Board/GAC meeting In Brussels


In the interest of transparency, please be informed that I will be going to the Brussels Board/GAC meeting.

As a reminder, the aim of the meeting is given by ICANN as being to:

1.Identify the specific differences between Governmental Advisory Committee ("GAC") advice and the current implementation of the GNSO New gTLD Policy recommendations embodied in the Applicant Guidebook.

2.Through discussion among Board and GAC members, either:
a.    arrive at an agreed upon resolution of those differences, or
b.    for those issues not resolved, identify what differences remain.

Only GAC members, ICANN Board members, select ICANN staff members and subject matter experts will participate in the discussion, whether in person or remotely.

I will therefore be considered an observer, and will not be allowed to speak. I will not be acting as an official representative of the GNSO.

It would be nice to know if other Councillors plan to attend. We may not be allowed to speak, but I'm sure we can at least plan to have a drink together at some point ;)


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