RES: [council] Swap out Jordon for Singapore

Jaime Wagner - PowerSelf jaime at
Thu Feb 17 21:11:52 UTC 2011



My comments are made on a personal basis.


Deaths and constant upheaval in my opinion is sufficient reason to move the meeting to a place without such conflicts. Don’t you agree? 


As for transparency: what is more transparent than the media coverage these incidents are getting?


Jaime Wagner

jaime at
Direto (51) 3219-5955  Cel (51) 8126-0916

Geral  (51) 3233-3551  DDG: 0800-703-6366



De: owner-council at [mailto:owner-council at] Em nome de Rafik Dammak
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011 15:28
Para: Stéphane Van Gelder
Cc: David Olive; Adrian Kinderis; council at
Assunto: Re: [council] Swap out Jordon for Singapore


Hi Stephane,


well I didn't know that a councilor sending email to GNSO list means that I am talking on behalf of GNSO council, did I miss something?

I think that I has the right to question about the process and how the decision was made, are you denying this to me, Stephane?

transparent? it started with rumor and just got the info by surprise, I guess that we may have different definition of transparency?

finally, I think that I can still make any assertions and acting freely especially when there is no any given reasons and explanations, I think that I didn't infringe rules and I express my concern in appropriate way. 





2011/2/18 Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder at>

Hi Rafik,


I would like clarification from you that your assertion that this is a dangerous precedent for A&T is a personal comment.


It seems to me that if the meeting team detect a reason for not going ahead with a meeting, we should support their initiatives to take action in that regard. Failing that, I'm sure ICANN would fall under criticism for NOT taking action.


It also seems ICANN is being fully transparent and giving ample warning of the change.


I am certain we can expect an explanation as to why the change is being made in the near future. I think we have to give staff a chance to provide this explanation before starting to make assertions, as a Council, that there is a "dangerous precedent" for anything here...



Envoyé de mon iPhone4

Le 17 févr. 2011 à 16:47, Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at> a écrit :

Hi David,


how the decision was made and in which information it was based. it is dangerous precedent and for matter of accountability and transparency I would like to see memo and other material that led ICANN board to make such decision if they will be published or not. and I don't see any element of confidentiality that prevent it.





Rafik Dammak

Twitter: @rafik


2011/2/18 David Olive <david.olive at>

Adrian and Council Members:


 The ICANN June meeting will not take place in Jordan.   A decision was made and the Jordanian host has already been contacted about this change.  


In a day or so, there will be a formal ICANN announcement concerning this matter as well information on the location for the next meeting .


Regards,       David


David A. Olive
Vice President, Policy Development Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
1101 New York Avenue, NW - Suite 930 - Washington, D.C.    20005
Office: 202.570.7126      Mobile:  202.341.3611


From: Adrian Kinderis <adrian at>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 06:55:43 -0800
To: "council at" <council at>
Subject: [council] Swap out Jordon for Singapore


The latest rumours are that we’ll be heading to Singapore next folks given the “unrest” in the Middle East.



Adrian Kinderis




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