[council] FINAL Update for 24th Feb Council: Regarding work on measures for competition, consumer trust and consumer choice

Rosemary Sinclair Rosemary.Sinclair at atug.org.au
Wed Feb 23 09:20:08 UTC 2011

Update Report on Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice 

There is support and interest in developing further developing ICANN's understanding and capacity to develop definitions, measure, monitor progress and achieve the commitments in the Affirmation of Commitments and the strategies outlined in ICANN's Strategic Plan in regard to:

*	Competition
*	Consumer Trust and 
*	Consumer Choice

The relevant Board Resolution (Cartagena) is:

Resolved (2010.12.10.30), the ICANN Board requests advice from the ALAC, GAC, GNSO and ccNSO on establishing the definition, measures, and three year targets for those measures, for competition, consumer trust and consumer choice in the context of the domain name system, such advice to be provided for discussion at the ICANN International Public meeting in San Francisco from 13-18 March 2011.

The context for this work by ICANN is the global recognition and growing importance that consumer protection is receiving from world regulators.  There is acknowledgment that increased competition is a good approach to ensuring strong consumer safeguards.

The issue of the timing of this work has been discussed (by email) with the Board, ICANN staff, ALAC, NCSG and the Chair of the Consumer Constituency.
A number of GNSO Council members have indicated their interest in contributing to this work.

ALAC has also indicated support for this work and the suggested approach.

NCSG and the Consumer Constituency have indicated their support for this approach. 

The suggested next step is an Open Forum at the June meeting.

It could be divided into three sections - competition, consumer trust and consumer choice.

A group (GNSO, ALAC, GAC) could be set up to prepare the Forum.

This group could invite proposals from speakers to present their views on each of those topics - perhaps 3 speakers per topic (10 mins each) with 10 mins for open mike comments - and aim to get a diversity of views.

A speaker would also provide a short paper setting out their views on the topic which will be made public. All speaker proposals will also be made public.
The Forum will create a body of useful material - that a staff person could turn into an initial paper for formal consideration by the GNSO.

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