[council] Regarding policies on Conflicts of interest and code of conduct

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Tue Oct 25 12:07:08 UTC 2011

Hello All,

(1) There is a session on conflicts at this meeting on Thursday from 2pm
to 3:30pm in the tent outside.

(2) The Board has a conflicts policy at:


(3) The Board also has a code of conduct at:


It includes this statement:
"A.  General Statement of Expectation
Each Director and Liaison ("Board member") is expected to adhere to a
high standard of ethical conduct and to act in accordance with ICANN's
Mission and Core Values.  The good name of ICANN depends upon the way
Board members and staff members conduct business and the way the public
perceives that conduct.  Unethical actions, or the appearance of
unethical actions, are not acceptable.  Board members are to be guided
by the following principles in carrying out their responsibilities.
Note, however, that this Code summarizes such principles and nothing in
this Code should be considered as limiting duties, obligations or legal
requirements with which the Board members must comply."

(4) The Board also has some guidelines with respect to confidentiality


We are reviewing these policies with external advice, but want to be
clear that we do have policies in place, and we do take training on the
application of these policies seriously.

Any changes to policies will be subject to public review and input.

Bruce Tonkin

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