AW: [council] Reminder - each SG to identify one member for new gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG

Wolf-Ulrich.Knoben at Wolf-Ulrich.Knoben at
Mon Dec 5 21:09:32 UTC 2016

Dear Marika,
the Commercial Stakeholder Group has appointed Tony Harris as member for 
the new gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG.

Best regards

Betreff: [council] Reminder - each SG to identify one member for new gTLD 
Auction Proceeds CCWG
Datum: 2016-11-30T18:52:55+0100
Von: "Marika Konings" <marika.konings at>
An: "council at" <council at>

Dear All,


As a reminder, please note that each Stakeholder Group has been requested 
to identify one (1) member for the new gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG by 5 
December. Per the charter, best efforts should be made to ensure that 


   1. Have sufficient and appropriate motivation (and ideally expertise) to
      participate in the substance of the work of the CCWG. Appropriate
      experience could, for example, include experience with allocation and
      final disbursement of funds;
   2. Commit to actively participate in the activities of the CCWG on an
      on-going and long-term basis;
   3. Solicit and communicate (where appropriate) the views and concerns of
      individuals in the organization that appoints them;
   4. Commit to abide to the charter when participating in the CCWG;
   5. Understand the needs of the Internet communities that ICANN serves
      (standards, domains and numbers);
   6. Understand the broader ecosystem (the Internet Community) in which
      ICANN operates and the needs of those working on other aspects of the
      Internet industry, including those not yet connected.


The Charter furthermore notes in relation to Chartering Organization 
appointed members that:


In addition to the role that Chartering Organization appointed members have 
in relation to potential consensus calls or decisions (see below), they are 
expected to serve as a liaison between their respective Chartering 
Organization and the CCWG. Members must, if and when necessary, ensure that 
the Chartering Organizations are kept up to date on the progress and 
deliberations of the CCWG as well as sharing any input from the Chartering 
Organization with the CCWG.


Chartering Organizations are encouraged as part of the CCWG member 
selection process, to take into account how appointed members can better 
contribute from a diversity of viewpoints. This can be achieved by looking 
at the cultural, geographic, industry, knowledge and expertise diversity as 
well as gender balance of Chartering Organizations appointed members.


Chartering Organizations are encouraged to use open and inclusive processes 
when selecting their members for a CCWG and this should include reasonable 
efforts to ensure that each of ICANN’s five regions is represented.


As noted in the resolution from ICANN57, ‘The GNSO Council expects to 
select a GNSO Co-Chair for the CCWG from the slate of GNSO appointed 
members to the CCWG during its meeting on 15 December 2016’.


Best regards,




Marika Konings

Senior Policy Director & Team Leader for the GNSO, Internet Corporation for 
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 

Email: marika.konings at <mailto:marika.konings at>   


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