[council] Next steps for Bylaws drafting

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Mon May 23 12:45:52 UTC 2016

Hello All,

Here is my current understanding of the process steps towards the Board meeting on 27 May to consider the new bylaws:

25 May - Staff sends out a summary of all comments and any proposed changes to the draft Bylaws to the community and ICANN Board, 48 hours before the Board's vote.

	Sidley and Adler law firms have already suggested proposed changes to the draft bylaws based on the CCWG on Accountability 	public comments.   ICANN staff are now compiling a summary of all the public comments, so that they can be reviewed 	with respect to possible amendments to the draft bylaws.

26 May at  21:00 UTC - ICANN Board will hold an information call to review comments received since the Board's meeting in Amsterdam, and consider any suggested changes to the draft bylaws 

27 May at 13:00 UTC  - ICANN Board will hold a formal meeting to vote on the Bylaws.

If there are any outstanding issues identified from the summary of comments and proposed changes to the draft bylaws provided on 25 May, then the Bylaws Coordination Group will be convened to get guidance.

Bruce Tonkin

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