[council] GAC communique first draft

Johan Helsingius julf at julf.com
Tue Oct 23 15:56:27 UTC 2018

As a heads up, the first draft of the GAC Barcelona communique
contains the following advice:

1. Based on the CCWG Accountability WS2 work, another multistakeholder
   process ("of some kind") should be started to study the issue of
   jurisdiction (as GAC can't reach consensus on approving WS2 because
   of that issue)

2. With regards to two-character country codes on second level,
   the Board is asked to explain how/if it complies with previous
   GAC Advice

3. On IGO-INGO curative rights, the Board is asked to facilitate
   a dialogue between GNSO and GAC to resolve outstanding issues (in
   the same way as was successfully done in the case of the Red Cross

There will probably also be a statement on .amazon


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