[council] Action Items: GNSO Council meeting 24 September 2020

Nathalie Peregrine nathalie.peregrine at icann.org
Tue Sep 29 14:17:08 UTC 2020

Dear Councilors,

Please find the action items, as stated during the meeting, below arising from the GNSO Council meeting held on Thursday, 24 September 2020.

Please take note of the action items coming out of the Council meeting and the proposed timing for delivering on these actions.

Please ensure your wiki logins are up to date as all Action Items have been assigned to councilors and/or staff and posted on the Action Item wiki page here<https://community.icann.org/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Action+Items>. If you are logged into the wiki when you go to that page, your name will be highlighted alongside the action item assigned to you. Please refer to this page for the recent status updates on the Action items.

Please note that actions for all councilors are highlighted below.

Item 1: Administrative Matters (10 mins)

Action Item: None

Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (0 minutes)

Action Item: None

Item 3: Consent Agenda (10 minutes)

Action Items:

  *   ICANN Staff to publish the Expressions of Interest to identify a single, qualified IGO Work Track Chair on the ICANN website, SO/AC/SG/C/RALO leadership list, community leadership digest, and other relevant ICANN communication channels. GNSO Council leadership to review the draft developed by staff.
  *   ICANN Staff to distribute the call for Members and Observers to join the IGO Work Track on the ICANN website, SO/AC/SG/C/RALO leadership list, community leadership digest, and other relevant ICANN communication channels. GNSO Council leadership to review the draft developed by staff.

Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Adoption of the Final Report of the Expedited PDP (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification Phase 2 (30 minutes)

Action Items:

  *   ICANN Staff to prepare the draft recommendations report for the ICANN Board, to be considered and adopted by the GNSO Council, focusing on items that the GNSO Council agreed on.
  *   ICANN Staff to inform GDS that the GNSO Council directs ICANN Org to convene the Implementation Review team for the EPDP Phase 2, noting that the GNSO Council has no objection if the existing EPDP Phase 1 Implementation Review Team would take on this task, recognizing that there may be a need to refresh membership as well as align the implementation with any work that may remain from the Phase 1 implementation.

Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Project Change Request (PCR) from the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in All gTLDs PDP WG (15 minutes)

Action Item:

  *   Keith Drazek to communicate to the RPM Co-Chairs regarding the Council approval of the PCR for the last chance and require the Co-Chairs to provide their assurance to carry out their commitments, including follow up with Kathy Kleiman via email.

Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Expedited PDP (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification Phase 2 Proposed Next Steps for Priority 2 Items (15 minutes)

Action Item:

  *   Staff to prepare a consent agenda item on the EPDP priority 2 topic for the October Council meeting by the document deadline.

Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Implementation Concerns for EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation 7, related to the Thick WHOIS Transition Policy (15 minutes)

Action Item:

  *   The Council Small Team (consisting of Marie, Rafik, Pam, John, Philippe, Flip, and Maxim) to discuss and address the next steps, including: 1) develop a Council position paper regarding the path forward for expediting the Thick WHOIS review as envisaged by the EPDP Phase 1 recommendation 27;  2) develop a formal response to the IRT (to be communicated by Sebastien); and 3) prepare communication to the ICANN Board regarding expediting the Thick WHOIS review.

Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Q&A with GNSO Chair Candidate (15 minutes)

Action Item:

  *   Keith Drazek to email the GNSO Council regarding the recommendation of using the roll-call vote method for confirming the next GNSO Chair.

Item 9: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (10 minutes)

  *   9.1 - Preparation for ICANN69 bilateral meetings with the ICANN Board, ccNSO, GAC, and SSAC.
  *   9.2 - Strategic Planning Session

Action Item:

  *   Staff to send the proposed topics for ICANN69 bilateral meetings for Council leadership’s review before distribution on the Council list.

Thank you!
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