[council] Action Items | GNSO Council meeting 16 December 2021

Nathalie Peregrine nathalie.peregrine at icann.org
Mon Dec 20 19:38:58 UTC 2021

Dear Councilors,

Please find the action items, as stated during the meeting, below arising from the GNSO Council meeting held on Thursday, 16 December 2021. Please refer to the Action Item page<https://community.icann.org/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Action+Items> for updates on item completion progress.

Please take note of the action items coming out of the Council meeting and the proposed timing for delivering on these actions.
  Please refer to this page for the recent status updates on the Action items.

Please note that actions for all councilors are highlighted below.

Item 3: Consent Agenda
3.1 - Motion to confirm Transfer Policy Review PDP (TPR_P1) Project Change Request
Action Items: The GNSO Council instructs policy support staff to update the TPR charter accordingly and post the updated charter on the GNSO’s website and Working Group wiki.

3.3 - Approval of SSC Leadership for 2021-2022: Arinola Akinyemi (BC) - Chair and Akinremi Peter Taiwo (NCSG) - Vice Chair
Action Items: Policy support staff to notify the SSC of the GNSO Council approval of Arinola Akinyemi (BC) as Chair and Akinremi Peter Taiwo (NCSG) as Vice Chair for the SSC leadership for 2021-2022.

3.4 - Confirmation of the Recommendations Report to the ICANN Board regarding adoption of recommendations 1-4 contained in the Final Report from the EPDP Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data – Phase 2A
Action Items: The GNSO Secretariat to notify the ICANN Board support staff of the GNSO Council’s confirmation of the Recommendations Report to the ICANN Board regarding adoption of recommendations 1-4 contained in the Final Report from the EPDP Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data – Phase 2A.

Moved from Consent Agenda:
3.2 - Motion to confirm Specific Curative Rights Protections for Intergovernmental Organizations EPDP (EPDP_SCRP_IGO) Project Change Request
Action Items: The GNSO Council instructs policy support staff to update the EPDP Team’s project plan and other materials accordingly and post them on the EPDP wiki project space.

Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Phase and Next Steps
Action Items: GNSO Councilors to review the email from Philippe Fouquart at https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/council/2021-December/025259.html on the EPDP Ph2 SSAD ODP and next steps to be prepared to provide questions during the closed session Update on SSAD ODP for GNSO Council and appointed EPDP Team members on 20 December 2021 at 21:00 UTC.

Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP

Action Items: GNSO Councilors to review the responses suggested by the Liaison to the SubPro ODP at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vpL6xHHVlmm5Q1Q1MuPz8I4ZgthV6EkO58JE4SAOF2Q/edit?pli=1 and provide comments if any by 13 January 2022.

Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO Council ODP Input Review Process
Action Items: GNSO Council Leadership to revise the GNSO Council ODP Input Review Process guidance at https://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/council-odp-input-review-process-07dec21-en.pdf per the discussion by the GNSO Councilors.

Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN73 Planning and Evolving Council Planning for ICANN Meetings
Action Items: GNSO Councilors to review the GNSO ICANN Meeting session input at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i-vwvDaFAES02CIaYwLq2YlXUgfmJ72p3xMTvdIKSn0/edit?usp=sharing and provide further comments, if any.

Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on Council Consideration of the ICANN Board’s Letter Regarding the IDN Implementation Guidelines v4.0
Action Items: GNSO Council leadership to draft a response to the ICANN Board’s Letter Regarding the IDN Implementation Guidelines v4.0 for review by the GNSO Council.

Item 9: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (15 minutes)

9.1 - Potential GNSO Council Additional Budget Requests (due 24 january 2022<https://community.icann.org/display/projfinadhocws/FY23+Additional+Budget+Request+%28ABR%29+Process>)

Action Items: GNSO Councilors to provide suggestions for ABRs if any.

9.2 - Liaison to the GAC and Review of the GAC Communiqué - reminder that input was requested (see https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/council/2021-November/025245.html)

Action Items: GNSO Councilors to provide input if any on the Liaison to the GAC and Review of the GAC Communiqué per the email at https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/council/2021-November/025245.html.

9.3 - Update on the Consideration of the ICANN Board’s Letter  on EPDP Phase 1, Rec. 12

Action Items: Following Council Small Team meeting with Becky Burr, the Small Team to provide draft Board response for Council review by 7 January 2022.

Thank you!

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