[council] Action Items: GNSO Council meeting 18 February 2021

Nathalie Peregrine nathalie.peregrine at icann.org
Mon Feb 22 21:17:40 UTC 2021

Dear Councilors,

Please find the action items, as stated during the meeting, below arising from the GNSO Council meeting held on Thursday, 18 February 2021. Please refer to the Action Item page<https://community.icann.org/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Action+Items> for updates on item completion progress.

Please take note of the action items coming out of the Council meeting and the proposed timing for delivering on these actions.

Please ensure your wiki logins are up to date as all Action Items have been assigned to councilors and/or staff and posted on the Action Item wiki page here<https://community.icann.org/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Action+Items>. If you are logged into the wiki when you go to that page, your name will be highlighted alongside the action item assigned to you. Please refer to this page for the recent status updates on the Action items.

Please note that actions for all councilors are highlighted below.

Item 3: Consent Agenda (10 minutes)

  *   Confirmation of Philippe Fouquart to serve as the GNSO Council liaison to the EPDP 2A.
  *   Non-objection from the Council for the EPDP Team to appoint a non-EPDP Team member as vice-chair.
  *   Confirmation of the Recommendations Report<https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/council-recommendations-rpm-pdp-phase-1-report-10feb21-en.pdf> to the ICANN Board regarding adoption of all recommendations from the Phase 1 Final Report of the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in All gTLDs PDP.

Action Items:

  *   GNSO Staff to inform the EPDP 2A about Philippe Fouquart’s appointment as the GNSO Council Liaison and non-objection from the Council for the EPDP Team to appointment a non-EPDP Team member as vice-chair
  *   GNSO Staff to send the RPM Phase 1  Recommendations Report to Board Ops in preparation for the Board review

Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE - Final Report and Outputs From the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP (20 minutes)

Action Item:

  *   GNSO Staff to develop a recommendations report for the SubPro PDP Final Report for Council’s consideration as a consent agenda item during the March 2021 meeting

Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Charter for the Transfer Policy PDP (20 minutes)

Action Item:

  *   GNSO staff to organize a Council small team to begin finalizing the proposed charter for the Transfer Policy PDP, with a specific focus on the composition of the working group and the timing to start the PDP

Thank you!
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