[council] [Urgent Input Required] Transfer Policy PDP Charter: Working Group Composition

DiBiase, Gregory dibiase at amazon.com
Wed Mar 10 16:13:06 UTC 2021

Noting Jeff’s reply that GAC requests 3 seats, should we revise the composition accordingly and proceed?  To confirm, even if the allocation for GAC will be 3 seats, but these seats do not necessarily need to be filled with an active participant in order for the group to start work correct?

From: council [mailto:council-bounces at gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of Tomslin Samme-Nlar via council
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2021 1:44 AM
To: Pam Little <pam.little at alibaba-inc.com>
Cc: council at gnso.icann.org
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [council] [Urgent Input Required] Transfer Policy PDP Charter: Working Group Composition

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Hi Pam,

Considering that feedback and responses received from the community consultations align with the scoping team's recommendation, I believe the proposed composition model is fine and should be used for this PDP.

I saw the chair's community consultation on the issue as a means of data collection to inform the small team's work and our decision making. If GAC or any other group didn't think it important to inform the process of their desired number of participants, we can only assume disinterest in the topic and work.

On Wed., 10 Mar. 2021, 09:37 Pam Little via council, <council at gnso.icann.org<mailto:council at gnso.icann.org>> wrote:
Dear Councilors,

I am writing to seek your urgent input on the proposed composition of the Transfer Policy PDP Working Group.

Following the call for volunteers (see staff's email below), the Council small team (consisting of Carlton, Olga, Greg and myself) has been working on finalizing the draft charter, mainly on the composition of the Working Group.

In coming up with our proposed composition, the small team has taken into account the comments that Councilors made during the February Council meeting (the group size should be around 20) and the community responses to Council chair's email soliciting their interest and number of representatives. Specifically, only the RrSG and the RySG indicated the number of representatives they are likely to assign to this effort:
RrSG indicated: 8 - 15
RySG indicated: 2 - 5

The small team is proposing the following group structure (based on a "representative model") to be included in the Charter:

  *   each SG/C/SO/AC that did not respond to Philippe's email or responded but indicated "no representatives": 1 member + 1 alternate

  *   RySG: 3 members + 3 alternates

  *   RrSG: 10 members + 10 alternates
For those of you who are not familiar with the PDP 3.0 Improvements, your may find these links helpful:
PDP 3.0 Improvement #2: Comparison Table of Working Group Models<https://gnso.icann.org/en/council/pdp-3-2-working-group-models-10feb20-en.pdf>(10 February 2020)
PDP 3.0 Implementation: Revised GNSO Working Group Charter Template<https://gnso.icann.org/en/council/pdp-3-revised-wg-charter-template-10feb20-en.pdf>(10 February 2020)

In order to meet the deadline for submitting documents for the March Council meeting, please provide input or feedback within the next 48 hours, by 23:59 UTC 12 March 2021.

Apologies for such short notice and thank you for your attention in advance.

Kind regards,


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Subject:[council] Transfer Policy PDP - Council small team to finalize charter

Dear Councilors,

As a follow up item to last week’s Council meeting, Council leadership is seeking volunteers for a small team of Councilors to work on finalizing the charter of the PDP to Review the Transfer Policy, with a focus on the composition of the Working Group.

At this stage I do not believe we have any volunteers. If you would like to sign up, please respond on list.

Kind regards,

Emily Barabas
Policy Manager, GNSO Policy Development Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Phone: +31 (0)6 84507976

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