[council] Proposal for the GNSO Chair election at ICANN75

philippe.fouquart at orange.com philippe.fouquart at orange.com
Tue Aug 23 16:26:30 UTC 2022

Dear Councilors,

Hope this finds you all well. As you know, the GNSO Chair election will be held during ICANN75, and we now know the following:
1. Sebastien Ducos is the sole candidate for GNSO Chair.
2. The new Council will conduct the vote after the Annual General Meeting transition.
3. Appointment of the GNSO Chair requires 60% support of each house.
4. Historically, votes for Chair have been conducted in-person with paper ballots and votes are anonymous.
5. The Chair position is not contested and several councilors are not able to travel to the AGM.
6. There is a range of options for this election, from acclamation to a secret ballot vote.

After discussing these options, Tomslin and I are recommending that the Council conducts a simple roll-call vote as we did last year.

This will clearly establish that the minimum threshold had been met to avoid a run-off between the Candidate and "none-of-the-above," while avoiding the unnecessary delay of holding an secret ballot vote for an uncontested seat.

We would like to know whether there is any objection to this approach. Feel free to request an AOB item on Thursday's call if necessary, or voice your concern or question within a week.

Thank you,
Best regards,



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