[council] GNSO Council resolution 17 February 2022

Nathalie Peregrine nathalie.peregrine at icann.org
Thu Feb 17 08:12:38 UTC 2022

Dear all,

Please find below the resolution from the GNSO Council meeting on Thursday 17 February 2022 which will be posted shortly on the GNSO Council resolutions <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/en/council/resolutions/2020-current__;!!PtGJab4!sLlCB4cV9KdvFnPD2LwSl2p7z4Gk6tPXTWpUAhoW8SCziUIjp5aHd47AEUpgcVkTCRcwggmgOcyz$>  page.


Consent Agenda

 Motion - Nomination of a Mentor for the ICANN Fellowship Program

Submitted by: Tomslin Samme-Nlar

Seconded by: Sebastien Ducos


  1.  On 22 November 2021, the ICANN Fellowship Program invited<https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/105383387/digest_2021_11Nov_22.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1637599230000&api=v2> ICANN's Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees to nominate one individual each (total of 7) to serve in the capacity of Fellowship Program mentor for three consecutive ICANN meetings, beginning with ICANN75.
  2.  On 7 December 2021, the GNSO launched<https://gnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-07dec21-en.htm> an Expression of Interest (EOI) process to solicit volunteers for the GNSO-nominated mentor position.
  3.  The GNSO Council tasked the GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) with reviewing applications and recommending one individual for the GNSO to nominate.
  4.  The SSC reviewed the applications received, taking into account the criteria outlined in the EOI announcement.
  5.  The SSC submitted its full consensus recommendation to the GNSO Council on 03 February 2022, by way of submission of the relevant motion.
  6.  The GNSO Council considered the recommendations of the SSC.


  1.  The GNSO nominates Chris Disspain to serve as a ICANN Fellowship Program mentor for three consecutive ICANN meetings, beginning with ICANN75.
  2.  The GNSO Council instructs the GNSO Secretariat to communicate resolved #1 to staff supporting the ICANN Fellowship Program.
  3.  The GNSO Council instructs the GNSO Secretariat to inform the nominated candidate that he or she has been selected.
  4.  The GNSO Council requests the GNSO Secretariat to send a response to the applicant who was not nominated, thanking them for their interest and encouraging them to apply for future opportunities as they arise.

Vote results<https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2022/vote-result/gnso-council-motion-recorder-17feb22-en.pdf>

Thank you.

Kind regards,

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