[council] SSAD Light Impact Council - draft response

philippe.fouquart at orange.com philippe.fouquart at orange.com
Tue Jun 28 12:34:04 UTC 2022

Correction: we did say _tomorrow_ Wednesday 29th cob as deadline for this, not today.


Orange Restricted
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 2:27 PM
To: 'kurt kjpritz.com' <kurt at kjpritz.com>
Cc: council at gnso.icann.org; gnso-secs at icann.org
Subject: RE: [council] SSAD Light Impact Council - draft response

Hi Kurt.

Thanks for sorting out the order of priorities in the letter, this is helpful. Some of the elements of the first iteration being more records of the discussion, we will see whether there's benefit in bringing some of them back without losing in conciseness or being repetitive.


please share any other comment you may have by the end of the day, for us to send this later this week.


Orange Restricted
From: kurt kjpritz.com <kurt at kjpritz.com<mailto:kurt at kjpritz.com>>
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2022 10:52 PM
To: FOUQUART Philippe INNOV/NET <philippe.fouquart at orange.com<mailto:philippe.fouquart at orange.com>>
Cc: council at gnso.icann.org<mailto:council at gnso.icann.org>; gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [council] SSAD Light Impact Council - draft response

Hi Philippe:

Thanks for the opportunity to comment on this draft. Please consider the attached and feel free to use some, all or none of it.

I have added a brief bit of context at the start as this issue did not arise from the Board-Council interaction but rather came in separately from the staff. I maintained the two main messages:

  1.  to emphasize the importance of both (SSAD and SubPro) initiatives, and
  2.  that the Council does not view itself in a position, nor does it consider it the role of the Council, to dictate the allocation of ICANN org resources now that these policy recommendations are with the ICANN Board.

There was some re-arranging / re-wording that would render a redline somewhat ineffective but I can produce one.

I hope you find this constructive and helpful.

Best regards,


On Jun 22, 2022, at 3:22 AM, philippe.fouquart--- via council <council at gnso.icann.org<mailto:council at gnso.icann.org>> wrote:

Dear Councilors,

For you review, please find attached a draft letter to the Board regarding the impact of the development of an SSAD Light Design Paper on other ongoing work, including the SubPro ODP. This is intended to capture the conclusions of last week's discussion item.

Please provide your comments within a week, by Wednesday 29th COB UTC.

Hope all those who could attend the The Hague meeting travelled safe and well back home.



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