[council] GNSO Council Absence Notification Form: Theo Geurts

GNSO Council via ICANN no-reply at icann.org
Mon Jul 17 16:29:28 UTC 2023

Full Name of Officer:
Jothan Frakes

Officer Email Address:
jothan at jothan.com

Date Prepared:
17 July 2023

GNSO Organization:
Registrars Stakeholder Group

Officer Position or Title:
Vice Chair, Executive Committee

Name of Absent Councilor:
Theo Geurts

Voting Remedy:
Temporary Alternate

Temporary Alternate Information

Reason(s) for or condition(s) leading to the remedy:

Specific subject(s)/measure(s)/motion(s)/action(s) of the Council for which the remedy is being exercised:

Date upon which the remedy will expire or terminate:
21 July 2023

Full Name of Councilor's Temporary Alternate:
[Note: if not already published and available, a short bio and Statement/Disclosure of Interest should be prepared by the Temporary Alternate and delivered to the GNSO Secretariat in advance of any discussion or voting scheduled to take place].
Gregory DiBiase

Temporary Alternate Email Address:
dibiase at amazon.com

By submitting my personal data, I agree that my personal data will be processed in accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy [1], and agree to abide by the website Terms of Service [2].
I Agree

[1] https://www.icann.org/privacy/policy
[2] https://www.icann.org/privacy/tos
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