[council] REMINDER | Information to share | ICANN77 | GNSO Council Subpro Day Zero Session | Sunday, 11 June 2023 at 09:00 local time (13:00 UTC)

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Sun Jun 11 11:00:06 UTC 2023

Welcome to ICANN77!

**Badge pick-up won’t be open before this meeting starts at 9:00am/et. No badge will be needed for Sunday meeting but during breaks, you would be able to collect your badge which will be needed for the rest of the week. (Badge pick up Level M2)

Meeting room: Marquis 1/2/3 (GNSO) (Level M2)

Dear all,

Please see the join zoom link for the ICANN7 GNSO Council Subpro Day Zero Session taking place on Sunday, 11 June 2023 09:00-17:00 local time ( 13:00 UTC – 21:00 UTC).

Zoom webinar join link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/91274355226?pwd=RjRZMjRYN3dNSVVmZUlSVVUyNTY3QT09 [icann.zoom.us]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/icann.zoom.us/j/91274355226?pwd=RjRZMjRYN3dNSVVmZUlSVVUyNTY3QT09__;!!PtGJab4!_Xi4wSPWgpWGLR6wxvnWU8F0uDlYBgX61tlRthC79Iq2HNgjOwFdqt1cy5fvQpP0cnvq1kxqwSp_NeCEUNeM1ya9TA$>

Meeting room: Marquis 1/2/3 (GNSO)

This is open to observers, please share with your groups.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


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