[council] Proposed Agenda | GNSO Council Meeting | Thursday, 25 May 2023

Stephanie E Perrin stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
Thu May 18 20:06:15 UTC 2023

I certainly hope that we will have a full discussion of this issue next 
week at the Council meeting.  We have raise quite a few reasons why this 
liaison position is unusual and extremely important:

  * we wish to proceed with speed, yet there are many complex issues
    which will raise policy concerns that have not been developed to the
    point of precise direction, so they may have to return to Council. 
    The liaison will play a key role in ensuring this happens, hence the
    need for Council to discuss and choose that liaison.  It's a
    critical role, so I like the idea of having 2 co-liaisons, provides
    different perspectives and some backup (as this IRT is expected to
    be a slog)
  * the speed thing....the pace may be too much for one rep to cope with
  * policy vs implementation expertise (my personal favorite).  It is
    Council's job to ensure policy issues return in a timely manner for
    examination, in order that (in the interests of speed) we do not
    paper over the cracks in our less specific language, and proceed to
    implement in areas which still require some precision in policy,  We
    need to discuss that expertise, what we are looking for etc

Could we please move this item up in the agenda.  I don't wish to whine 
as a North American who usually does not have to put up with 
Middle-of-the-night meetings, but the meeting next week happens to be at 
1am EDT, 11pm PDT, I fear we may lose a lot of North Americans as the 
night goes on.  Apologies to our Asia-Pacific members, I know you suffer 
all the time.

Cheers Stephanie Perrin

On 2023-05-16 10:27 a.m., Anne ICANN via council wrote:
> Thanks Jeff.  Having just participated in the first IRT meeting, I 
> think we can all acknowledge that there is a huge amount of work to be 
> done here.  ICANN Org staff (Lars) is projecting 24 months to get to a 
> final AGB.  We all want to work more quickly than that and there is 
> some thought being given to having some separate "work streams" in the 
> work plan for the IRT so that work can be accomplished in parallel.  
> There appears to be sufficient staff assigned by Org to accommodate 
> this approach.
> It seems to me that Susan and I could potentially work together to 
> assume Council Liaison responsibilities to cover different Final 
> Report Topics.  I believe there are certain topics more easily covered 
> by Susan and certain topics more easily covered by me.  For example, I 
> would always defer to Susan on RSP Evaluation issues and any issues 
> relating directly to registry and registrar operations.  On the other 
> hand, I am in a strong position to manage  communication in relation 
> Registry Voluntary Commitments (having participated on that panel in 
> the past at an ICANN meeting) and on other issues such as Name 
> Collisions where I have been active on the Discussion Group for 
> years.  (Again, I am retired with no client interests to advance and 
> my overriding interest is ICANN organizational effectiveness.)
> For a Work Plan this big, it would be nice to have some redundancy in 
> the Council Liaison position.  I think Susan and I are well able to 
> collaborate and work together as Co-Liaisons to the Sub Pro IRT.  So 
> after grasping the scope and the timelines in the first IRT meeting,  
> I would propose that Council and Leadership consider appointing both 
> of us and dividing the topics.  That division might go along lines to 
> be determined based on the IRT Work Plan that is adopted by Org.
> Maybe a new approach of "Co-Liaisons" would work best given that we 
> have two volunteers and a huge number of topics to be covered.  I 
> honestly think Susan and I could work this out and submit a plan for 
> Council approval.
> Anne
> Anne Aikman-Scalese
> GNSO Councilor
> NomCom Non-Voting 2022-2024
> anneicanngnso at gmail.com
> On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 3:20 PM jeff at jjnsolutions.com 
> <jeff at jjnsolutions.com> wrote:
>     Just to add, and Steve/anyone else feel free to correct me....
>     But I believe the GNSO Liaison to the ODP Role went to the
>     Standing Selection Committee because it is was specifically stated
>     that the Liaison did not have to be a Councilor.  However, the
>     Council Liaison to a WG or IRT (or I guess a GGP) must be a
>     Councilor.  Therefore, the normal Council ways of selecting people
>     apply (and that is not through the SSC).
>     Thanks!
>     ------ Original Message ------
>     From "Steve Chan via council" <council at gnso.icann.org>
>     To "Anne ICANN" <anneicanngnso at gmail.com>; "Terri Agnew"
>     <terri.agnew at icann.org>
>     Cc "gnso-secs at icann.org" <gnso-secs at icann.org>;
>     "liaison6c at gnso.icann.org" <liaison6c at gnso.icann.org>;
>     "council at gnso.icann.org" <council at gnso.icann.org>
>     Date 5/15/2023 5:17:18 PM
>     Subject Re: [council] Proposed Agenda | GNSO Council Meeting |
>     Thursday, 25 May 2023
>>     Dear Anne, all,
>>     To date, the Council has not relied upon formal procedures to
>>     select its liaisons to either WGs or IRTs as there is almost
>>     always just a single volunteer (or in some cases none, which
>>     requires some prodding and cajoling). I think the concern here
>>     with running through an Expressions of Interest process, to then
>>     be followed by a Standing Selection Process, is that they both
>>     take time and likely run into the issue you have identified – the
>>     IRT is beginning its work. That said, my understanding is that at
>>     least the first couple of IRT meetings will be administrative in
>>     nature and that given the liaison’s role in an IRT is primarily
>>     for escalating disagreements between ICANN org’s proposed
>>     implementation versus WG intent, there will be little to nothing
>>     that requires the services of the liaison in the early stages .
>>     In other words, the Council should have some time still to
>>     identify its liaison to the IRT.
>>     I believe Council leadership is talking through options and I
>>     anticipate that they will come back to the Council list with a
>>     suggested path forward.
>>     Best,
>>     Steve
>>     *From: *council <council-bounces at gnso.icann.org> on behalf of
>>     Anne ICANN via council <council at gnso.icann.org>
>>     *Reply-To: *Anne ICANN <anneicanngnso at gmail.com>
>>     *Date: *Monday, May 15, 2023 at 1:53 PM
>>     *To: *Terri Agnew <terri.agnew at icann.org>
>>     *Cc: *"council at gnso.icann.org" <council at gnso.icann.org>,
>>     "gnso-secs at icann.org" <gnso-secs at icann.org>,
>>     "liaison6c at gnso.icann.org" <liaison6c at gnso.icann.org>
>>     *Subject: *Re: [council] Proposed Agenda | GNSO Council Meeting |
>>     Thursday, 25 May 2023
>>     Thanks Terri - what is missing from this agenda is a way forward
>>     for Council to designate a Council Liaison to the Sub Pro IRT. 
>>     This work is upon us. Accordingly, I'll make a Motion to send the
>>     task of naming the Council Liaison to the Standing Selection
>>     Committee with Expression of Interest to be drafted by staff.  (I
>>     noticed that this was how the Council Liaison to the Sub Pro ODP
>>     was handled.)
>>     I've been asking to get this on the agenda in some manner since
>>     Friday.  I have not heard back from anyone in Leadership on this
>>     topic but would hope to get a second on the motion.  I'll need
>>     help from staff drafting the form of the  Motion.
>>     e.g. RESOLVED, Council directs staff to prepare an Expression of
>>     Interest form for volunteers to serve in the role of Council
>>     Liaison to the Subsequent Procedures Implementation Review Team
>>     and to assign the task of recommending the designated individual
>>     to the Standing Selection Committee to be acted upon as soon as
>>     feasible with a target date of Day Zero at ICANN 77 for Council
>>     action on the SSC Recommendation.
>>     Thank you,
>>     Anne
>>     Anne Aikman-Scalese
>>     GNSO Councilor
>>     NomCom Non-Voting 2022-2024
>>     anneicanngnso at gmail.com
>>     On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 11:20 AM Terri Agnew via council
>>     <council at gnso.icann.org> wrote:
>>         Dear all,
>>         **
>>         Please find below the final proposed agenda for theGNSO
>>         Council Meeting on Thursday, 25 May 2023 at 05:00 UTC
>>         Please note that all documents referenced in the agenda have
>>         been gathered on a Wiki page for convenience and easier
>>         access: https://community.icann.org/x/wIBXDg
>>         <https://community.icann.org/x/wIBXDg>.
>>         This agenda was established according to theGNSO Operating
>>         Procedures [gnso.icann.org]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/op-procedures-24oct19-en.pdf__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuNJGACTSk$>
>>         v3.5, updated on 24 October 2019.
>>         For convenience:
>>           * An excerpt of the ICANN Bylaws defining the voting
>>             thresholds is provided in Appendix 1 at the end of this
>>             agenda.
>>           * An excerpt from the Council Operating Procedures defining
>>             the absentee voting procedures is provided in Appendix 2
>>             at the end of this agenda.
>>         GNSO Council meeting on Thursday, 25 May at 05:00 UTC:
>>         https://tinyurl.com/ye2a6jyh [tinyurl.com]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tinyurl.com/ye2a6jyh__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuNRJe0g0w$>.
>>         (Wednesday) 22:00 Los Angeles;  01:00 Washington DC; 06:00
>>         London; 07:00 Paris;  08:00 Moscow; 15:00 Melbourne
>>         **
>>         *GNSO Council Meeting Remote
>>         Participation:**https://icann.zoom.us/j/97891627902?pwd=RURCTitiNEVwd2UySEk1QkRESmlFZz09*
>>         [icann.zoom.us]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/icann.zoom.us/j/97891627902?pwd=RURCTitiNEVwd2UySEk1QkRESmlFZz09__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuNSzOV0_E$>**
>>         Councilors should notify the GNSO Secretariat in advance if
>>         they will not be able to attend and/or need a dial out call.
>>         ___________________________________
>>         *Item 1: Administrative Matters (5 minutes)*
>>         1.1 - Roll Call
>>         1.2 - Updates to Statements of Interest
>>         1.3 - Review / Amend Agenda
>>         1.4 - Note the status of minutes for the previous Council
>>         meetings per the GNSO Operating Procedures: .
>>         Minutes [gnso.icann.org]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2023/minutes/minutes-gnso-council-15mar23-en.pdf__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuNyVhsQQs$>
>>         of the GNSO Council meeting on 15 March 2023 were posted on
>>         30 March 2023.
>>         Minutes [gnso.icann.org]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2023/minutes/minutes-gnso-council-20apr23-en.pdf__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuNB1Y19xQ$>of
>>         the GNSO Council meeting on 20 April 2023 were posted on 07
>>         May 2023.
>>         *Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
>>         (5 minutes)*
>>         2.1 - Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key
>>         themes / topics, to include review ofProjects List
>>         [gnso.icann.org]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/en/council/project__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuNUESHcxA$>__andAction
>>         Item List. <https://community.icann.org/x/RgZlAg>
>>         *Item 3: Consent Agenda (0 minutes) *
>>         *Item 4: Board request for Council input on Nominating
>>         Committee (NomCom) rebalancing (15 minutes)*
>>         On 26 April 2023, the ICANN Board requested
>>         <https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/sinha-to-ducos-26apr23-en.pdf>
>>         the input of the GNSO Council on the issue of NomCom
>>         rebalancing.
>>         The NomCom is a committee tasked with selecting key ICANN
>>         leadership positions, including some members of the ICANN
>>         Board of Directors and the Public Technical Identifiers (PTI)
>>         Board, as well as other positions within the ICANN community.
>>         The NomCom functions independently from the Board, the
>>         Supporting Organizations (SOs) and Advisory Committees (ACs).
>>         NomCom delegates act on behalf of the interests of the global
>>         Internet community and within the scope of the ICANN mission
>>         and responsibilities assigned to the NomCom under the ICANN
>>         Bylaws – they do not act in furtherance of the group that
>>         appointed them to the NomCom.
>>         The ICANN community has been discussing the issue of
>>         rebalancing the NomCom for over 10 years, and the ICANN Board
>>         resolved to engage with the ICANN community to better
>>         understand community views on the rebalancing.
>>         Specifically, the Board is seeking input on the following
>>         questions:
>>          1. What does it mean to have a balanced NomCom at a point in
>>             time? For example, what criteria would you apply to
>>             measure or assess whether the NomCom is balanced? And
>>             further, how can one test whether or not the NomCom is
>>             balanced?
>>          2. Do you support the view that the current composition of
>>             the NomCom needs to be rebalanced? Please explain why or
>>             why not.
>>          3. How frequently does the balance need to be measured or
>>             assessed?
>>          4. How do you suggest that the NomCom’s composition be
>>             rebalanced?
>>          5. Who should conduct this work, and how should it be conducted?
>>          6. How would your community group prioritize consideration
>>             of this issue within your planning efforts?
>>         Here, the Council will discuss the questions from the Board
>>         and determine whether it would like to provide input.
>>         4.1 Introduction of topic (Katrina Sataki, Chair of
>>         Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board (OEC))
>>         4.2 Council discussion
>>         4.3 Next steps
>>         *Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro - Progress Update on
>>         Recommendations Marked as Pending  (15 minutes)*
>>         During its informal session at ICANN76 and the subsequent
>>         Council meeting, the Council discussed and agreed
>>         [gnso.icann.org]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2023/minutes/minutes-gnso-council-15mar23-en.pdf__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuNyVhsQQs$>
>>         to task a small team of interested councilors to review the
>>         recommendations that the Board placed in a pending status and
>>         suggest to the full Council how the underlying concerns that
>>         caused the pending status can be best addressed (i.e., a
>>         limited triage exercise). Interested Councilors were asked to
>>         volunteer for the Small Team by 15 March 2023.
>>         Since ICANN76, the Council SubPro Small Team has met several
>>         times and has completed an initial run through of the issues
>>         chart, with Board member input on why the Board placed
>>         specific recommendations into a pending status. The Council
>>         discussed the main output of that triage effort, the proposed
>>         paths forward for each pending recommendation, during an
>>         Extraordinary Meeting on 4 May. During that meeting, the
>>         Council agreed to further task the small team with taking
>>         interim steps (e.g., provision is clarifying information,
>>         developing speaking points) in order to support the Council’s
>>         dialogue with the ICANN Board on 22 May.
>>         Here, the Council will debrief after the dialogue with the
>>         ICANN Board and discuss next steps to ensure that the Council
>>         is able to deliver its plan and timeline to resolve the
>>         pending recommendations.
>>         5.1 – Introduction of topic (Paul McGrady, Small Team Lead)
>>         5.2 – Council discussion
>>         5.3 – Next steps
>>         *Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Internationalized Domain Names
>>         (IDNs) EPDP Timeline (20 minutes)*
>>         On 20 May 2021, the GNSO Council approved theinitiation
>>         request [gnso.icann.org]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2021/presentation/EPDPInitiationRequest20May21.pdf__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuN2IQuo1g$>for
>>         the EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and adopted
>>         itscharter [gnso.icann.org]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2021/presentation/CharterGNSOIDNsEPDPWorkingGroup20May21.pdf__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuNXrae-nc$>.
>>         The EPDP Team is expected to:
>>         ·Determine the approach for a consistent definition of all
>>         gTLDs; and
>>         ·Develop policy recommendations that will eventually allow
>>         for the introduction of variant gTLDs at the top-level
>>         On 24 April 2023, the EPDP Team published its Phase 1 Initial
>>         Report for Public Comment
>>         <https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/phase-1-initial-report-on-the-internationalized-domain-names-epdp-24-04-2023>.
>>         The Initial Report includes 68 preliminary recommendations
>>         covering issues pertaining to gTLD variant definition and
>>         management at the top-level. The majority of the preliminary
>>         recommendations aim to operationalize SubPro PDP Outputs in
>>         order to allow for future applications of gTLD variant labels
>>         through the New gTLD Program.
>>         On 16 March 2023, the ICANN Board requested the EPDP Team to
>>         deliver an updated project plan by the last day of ICANN77
>>         that identifies all charter questions that will impact the
>>         next Applicant Guidebook, as well as a timeline for the EPDP
>>         Team’s delivery of relevant recommendations to the GNSO
>>         Council. While the Public Comment proceeding is ongoing, the
>>         EPDP Team started discussion of its Phase 2 work, which
>>         focuses on issues pertaining to second-level IDN variant
>>         management, as well as the review of its project plan in
>>         accordance with the Board request.
>>         Here, the GNSO Council will hear an update on the EPDP Team’s
>>         analysis of its Phase 2 charter questions in relation to the
>>         impact on the next Applicant Guidebook, as well as a draft
>>         project plan and timeline for the EPDP Team’s delivery of
>>         relevant recommendations to the GNSO Council.
>>         6.1 Introduction of topic (Donna Austin, EPDP Chair)
>>         6.2 Council Discussion
>>         6.3 Next Steps
>>         *Item 7 - COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Work to Prepare Draft Timeline
>>         for Closed Generics Policy Process  (20 minutes)*
>>         In March 2023, the ICANN Board requested that the GAC and
>>         GNSO Council consider engaging in a facilitated dialogue to
>>         develop a framework for further GNSO policy work on the issue
>>         of Closed Generics. The GAC and GNSO Council agreed to the
>>         Board’s suggestion and each appointed six participants for
>>         the dialogue. One participant and one alternate from the ALAC
>>         were also appointed. Should the GAC-GNSO facilitated dialogue
>>         result in an agreed framework, the agreements will be further
>>         developed through the appropriate GNSO policy process.
>>         Following an initial, informal meeting at ICANN75 in Kuala
>>         Lumpur, the dialogue participants have since been meeting
>>         regularly via Zoom and held a substantive two-day
>>         face-to-face meeting in Washington, D.C. in late January
>>         2023. The dialogue is hoping to deliver a draft framework
>>         around the end of May 2023 to the ALAC, GAC, GNSO and other
>>         SOACs for community input. Groups are expected to have
>>         approximately four weeks to review that document.
>>         During its meeting at ICANN76, the ICANN Board passed a
>>         resolution
>>         <https://www.icann.org/en/board-activities-and-meetings/materials/approved-resolutions-regular-meeting-of-the-icann-board-16-03-2023-en>
>>         adopting a substantial portion of the outputs from the New
>>         gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP, setting in motion the start
>>         of the implementation process for the next round of new
>>         gTLDs. As part of the resolution, the Board established
>>         deadlines for key deliverables that will impact the
>>         development of the implementation plan. By 15 June 2023, the
>>         Board expects to receive “A GNSO Council project plan and
>>         timeline for policy work, or an alternate path, on how to
>>         handle closed generics for the next round of new gTLDs.”
>>         Here the Council will discuss the draft scope of subsequent
>>         policy work to inform preparation of the timeline for this work.
>>         7.1 Introduction of topic (John McElwaine, Council Vice-Chair)
>>         7.2 Council Discussion
>>         7.3 Next Steps
>>         *Item 8: EPDP Phase 2 Small Team Progress Update (20 minutes)*
>>         In February 2023, the ICANN Board directed
>>         <https://www.icann.org/en/board-activities-and-meetings/materials/approved-resolutions-special-meeting-of-the-icann-board-27-02-2023-en#section2>
>>         ICANN org to develop and launch the WHOIS Disclosure System,
>>         now called the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS), as
>>         requested by the GNSO Council. The Board requested the RDRS
>>         be launched within 11 months, and, prior to the launch, the
>>         Board recommended Org continue its engagement with the GNSO
>>         Council on the implementation. The ICANN Board also requested
>>         the GNSO Council to establish success criteria for the RDRS.
>>         In response, the GNSO Council updated the assignment
>>         <https://community.icann.org/x/PAoiCw>of the EPDP Phase 2
>>         small team to reflect these new work items.
>>         The small team is expected to engage with ICANN org
>>         throughout the development and operation of the System, and
>>         in particular consider:
>>           * The other topics identified in the addendum that the
>>             small team did not consider gating factors but for which
>>             it would be interested to have further discussions with
>>             ICANN org during the implementation phase to consider
>>             if/how some of these aspects could be considered to be
>>             added in the current implementation of [the RDRS] or a
>>             future version;
>>           * Success criteria for this System, which should include
>>             analysis of relevant usage data;
>>           * How to best promote and secure comprehensive use of the
>>             system, both by potential requestors as well as ICANN
>>             accredited registrars.
>>         In addition, the small team is expected to provide the
>>         Council with a recommendation on the approach and format
>>         through which, following implementation of the system, data
>>         should be reviewed and analyzed to help inform subsequent
>>         decisions on how to proceed with the SSAD recommendations.
>>         The small team is expected to provide regular updates to the
>>         GNSO Council on the state of its progress.
>>         Here, the Council will receive an update from the EPDP Phase
>>         2 small team on its progress on defining the success criteria
>>         of the RDRS.
>>         8.1 Introduction of topic (Sebastien Ducos, Small Team Chair)
>>         8.2 Council Discussion
>>         8.3 Next Steps
>>         *Item 9: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (20 minutes)*
>>         9.1 ICANN77 Day 0 SubPro Session Planning (Steve Chan)
>>         9.2 Accuracy (Marika Konings)
>>         9.3 State of Progress from Small team on DNS Abuse (Mark
>>         Datysgeld)
>>         9.4 WS2 Framework of Interpretation for Human Rights Proposed
>>         updates to GNSO Council templates (Marika Konings)
>>         _______________________________
>>         Appendix 1: GNSO Council Voting Thresholds (ICANN Bylaws,
>>         Article 11, Section 11.3(i))
>>         Seehttps://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en/#article11
>>         <https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en/#article11>.
>>         Appendix 2: GNSO Council Absentee Voting Procedures (GNSO
>>         Operating Procedures, Section 4.4)
>>         Seehttps://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/op-procedures-30jan18-en.pdf
>>         [gnso.icann.org]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/op-procedures-30jan18-en.pdf__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuN1UnoqcY$>
>>         *References for Coordinated Universal Time of 05:00 UTC*
>>         Local time between March and October in the NORTHERN hemisphere
>>         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>         California, USA (PDT) UTC-7 (Wednesday) 22:00
>>         San José, Costa Rica (CDT) UTC-6 (Wednesday) 23:00
>>         New York/Washington DC, USA (EDT) UTC-4  01:00
>>         Buenos Aires, Argentina (ART) UTC-3 02:00
>>         Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (BRT) UTC-3 02:00
>>         London, United Kingdom (BST) UTC+1 06:00
>>         Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (WAT) UTC+1 06:00
>>         Paris, France (CEST) UTC+2 07:00
>>         Moscow, Russia (MSK) UTC+3 08:00
>>         Singapore (SGT) UTC+8 13:00
>>         Melbourne, Australia (AEST) UTC+10 15:00
>>          ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>         DST starts on Sunday 26 March 2023, 2:00 or 3:00 local time
>>         (with exceptions) for EU countries and on Sunday 12 March
>>         2023 for the U.S.
>>         DST ends on Sunday 29 October 2023 for EU countries, and on
>>         Sunday 05 November 2023 for the US.
>>         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>         For other places seehttp://www.timeanddate.com
>>         [timeanddate.com]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.timeanddate.com/__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuNa8EtFRI$>
>>         and https://tinyurl.com/ye2a6jyh [tinyurl.com]
>>         <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tinyurl.com/ye2a6jyh__;!!PtGJab4!78u329nw-weEZWQe7wWMMQcMy9H1eLVkNk81khJQ2TAIGydeTelKsUlCJ6O9nbxZvaJD1cyfleD8GzMLMCuNRJe0g0w$>.
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