[council] Please read: Upcoming GNSO Council meeting prep 25 May 2023 at 05:00 UTC

Wisdom Donkor wisdom.dk at gmail.com
Wed May 24 20:21:40 UTC 2023

I support Stepnanies request.

*Wisdom Donkor* (CASP+,  CISM, CEH Certified,)
President & CEO
Africa Open Data and Internet Research Foundation (AODIRF) | Africa
Geospatial Data and Internet Conference (AGDIC)
P.O. Box CT 2439, Cantonments, Accra | www.aodirf.org  / www.
Tel: +233 20 812 8851
Skype: wisdom_dk | Facebook: kwasi wisdom |  Twitter: @wisdom_dk
ICANN GNSO Council Member | ICANN transfer policy review working group
Member  | Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous
Improvement (CCOICI) | UN IGF MAG Member | IGF Support Fund Association
Executive Committee Member, World Bank Independent Consultant | AU AFIGF
Member |  Ghana OGP Advisory Committee member | GSS SDGs Advisory Committee
E-government Network Infrastructure and E-application, Internet
Governance,  Open Data policies platforms & Community Development, Cyber
Security, Geospatial Technologies, Open Source Technologies, Domain Name
Systems, Human Resource Planning and Development, Software Engineering,
Event Planning & Management,

On Wed, May 24, 2023 at 8:05 PM Stephanie Perrin via council <
council at gnso.icann.org> wrote:

> I had asked last week that item 10.4 be moved to earlier in the agenda.
> Logically, it belongs with the Subpro discussion.  I have not seen any
> response to this proposal.  NCSG believes two liaisons will better reflect
> the varying perspectives on this complex IRT, and enable the holders of
> this role to cope with the volume of work and keep Council well informed.
> We believe a fulsome discussion at the earlier time is required, not just a
> possible minute under AOB.  This is important.
> Stephanie Perrin
> Sent from my iPhone
> On May 24, 2023, at 08:02, Terri Agnew via council <council at gnso.icann.org>
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> A few reminders of prep for the Council meeting 25 May at 05:00 UTC:
>    1. Please review the *GNSO Council meeting **Cheat Sheet *
>    <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1lQ9fqEjD-inZWpni7tx_EKij6_19oGvi/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116759381463513165439&rtpof=true&sd=true__;!!PtGJab4!pVi4oSYtpc0zpFeJLRx3TxuYQP4Z76RRbQzROZJG6v0JPWTdGSP--QxvekvFohrOD9-rq6WucB-7$__;!!PtGJab4!qUgsW15RfLivHH-WNpxENfhj45ri9VKB8wXolhm62B_aSqLbGUTc1LmRmb3aVqq5Xm7yfdgo04O1$>
>     in order to help you prepare for the session and also provide your
>    input in suggestion mode. It is also attached to this email for your
>    convenience.
>    1. *All documents* mentioned on the Council agenda
>    <https://community.icann.org/x/yoBXDg> will be listed on the Document
>    wiki page <https://community.icann.org/x/wIBXDg> for easy referral. If
>    there are any topics you would like to see appear on *future Council
>    agendas*, please do not hesitate to add them to the Council Topics
>    Google doc.
>    <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1FSNlAHTjbWAzKcfltI7SWwzXda1NtKxfQ2k-t0oiGr8/edit?usp=sharing__;!!PtGJab4!sHR-d8eGYB4uo3n9SkWjqCkRK2M9MF-bVW7b20fPUTmPlQfpaiybmKcULkXxg-tMGlbW2tfpwneh$>
>    1. Please consult the Project Management Portfolio
>    <https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=150178769>,
>    in particular the Action Decision Radar
>    <https://community.icann.org/x/14vzC> and the Project List
>    <https://community.icann.org/x/1YvzC> .
>    1. *If you fear you may run into connectivity issues or may not make
>    it on the call*, please have an officer of your SG/C fill in the Council
>    Absence Notification form
>    <https://www.icann.org/forms/gnso_notification>.
> Thank you!
> Kind regards,
> Terri
> <Council Preparatory Materials Cheat Sheet - 3 January 2022.docx>
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