[council] Draft minutes of the Minutes of the GNSO Council Meeting 24 August 2023

Anne ICANN anneicanngnso at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 20:52:13 UTC 2023

Thanks Devan - in Item 7 Paul has an intervention which contains as
statement that the Section 16 process is a process whereby a Supplemental
Recommendation is brought to the Community.  I think there is a difference
in the procedure under Supplemental Recommendation and a Section 16
recommendation. Therefore, I would suggest you strike the word,
"supplemental" from the explanation provided in relation to Section 16.
The reference to be deleted is in bold below:

"...The options available are to just let the recommendation die,  to put
together a Supplemental Recommendation, or to do a Section 16 process,
which is where a (delete *supplemental )*recommendation is taken to the
community and hopefully becomes something acceptable to the Board. ..."

Again, the Supplemental Recommendation process is different from the
Section 16 process in form, though, as Marika has pointed out, community
involvement can be a feature of either one.  In this regard, I would also
recommend that "Supplemental Recommendation" have initial caps and that
"Section 16" have an initial cap throughout the minutes.

Thank you,

Anne Aikman-Scalese
GNSO Councilor
NomCom Non-Voting 2022-2024
anneicanngnso at gmail.com

On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 12:14 PM Devan Reed via council <
council at gnso.icann.org> wrote:

> Dear Councilors,
> Attached, please find the draft minutes of the GNSO Council Meeting held
> on 24 August 2023.
> If there are no comments, these minutes will be published on the website
> as approved, according to the GNSO Rules of Procedure
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gnso.icann.org_en_council_op-2Dprocedures-2D30jan18-2Den.pdf&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=PDd_FX3f4MVgkEIi9GHvVoUhbecsvLhgsyXrxgtbL10DTBs0i1jYiBM_uTSDzgqG&m=VJZ4HFSDAqi8xbWCH1QdnlYHCscwUVxIRs2sVJWonVI&s=LtHAxrGECvjzBZS-IMiftG_6sd2rnsdL4iqkUOHsJvI&e=> section  3.5
> "If no objections are received within 10 days, the minutes will be
> deemed to have been approved for posting" on *09 September 2023*
> Thank you.
> Kind Regards,
> Devan
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