[council] [gnso-secs] Motion to adopt the Charter for a RDRS Standing Committee

Sebastien at registry.godaddy Sebastien at registry.godaddy
Wed Sep 13 08:54:38 UTC 2023

Hi Kurt and Council Colleagues,

You rightly point that there is a substantial amount of work to do for this Standing Committee over an extended period of time, which is why we felt we needed to pivot out of the current Small Team into a new bespoke charter.

To your 3 suggestions below:

  1.  This will be one input into the process for determining next steps

Yes – of course.
As did the Small Team before, this is a Standing Committee that is chartered by and will report to Council, who ultimately receives the updates and recommendations issued by the Standing Committee and acts on them as it sees fit.
As was the case for the Small Team, I expect Board Members to join the Standing Committee. They will have similar lines of reporting to the rest of the Board.

  2.  That the team might be augmented with appropriate expertise.

Yes – this is catered for in : “On the suggestion of the Standing Committee, the Chair may invite external participants with specific expertise or knowledge to contribute to Standing Committee deliberations.”

  3.  Bullet 3 above be amended to state, “…consideration of whether or  how to proceed with the SSAD recommendations,” in order to avoid predetermined outcomes.

The charter reads “how to proceed with the SSAD recommendations” is because these Recommendations have been adopted by the GNSO and it is for the Board to take these decisions unless Council opts to take them back under section 16.
Given that the Board has approached the GNSO last year to assist in finding alternative paths, given that it still participates actively in the Small Team, I assume that for them “how to proceed” will also include listening to GNSO recommendations on the matter. We may and will encourage the Board not adopt if in fine we find the SSAD Recommendations not to be in the best interest.

To be clear, the discussion on “whether or not to proceed with SSAD” is a recurrent topic in the Small Team (because it is indeed a very valid question) and I regularly remind the group that while from a project management standpoint all options are open, in terms of PDP we need to take in account that a set of Recommendations were formally adopted and there are processes to amend them if and when need be.

At this stage and for the next 2 years we will be assessing if alternatives exist and what these might be. We agreed from Day 1 that we would look at the impact on current Recommendations and the PDP, once we have a clearer view of what the target outcome should be. I don’t want to pre-empt on it in anyway, but needless to say that there is a wide range of views on what this outcome may be, but to my knowledge no one defends at this stage an SSAD as is except for the fact that in the absence of alternative Recommendations, today these are the ones we have adopted.

I hope this makes sense. I remain open to friendly amendments.

Sebastien Ducos
GoDaddy Registry | Senior Client Services Manager
France & Australia
sebastien at registry.godaddy<mailto:sebastien at registry.godaddy>

From: kurt kjpritz.com <kurt at kjpritz.com>
Date: Wednesday, 13 September 2023 at 7:02 am
To: council at gnso.icann.org <council at gnso.icann.org>
Cc: Osvaldo Novoa <osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com>, Sebastien Ducos <Sebastien at registry.godaddy>, gnso-secs at icann.org <gnso-secs at icann.org>, GNSO-Chairs <gnso-chairs at icann.org>, Julie Bisland <julie.bisland at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [council] [gnso-secs] Motion to adopt the Charter for a RDRS Standing Committee
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Hi Everyone:

Reading the Charter, this seems like A LOT OF WORK for the small team, with assignments to identify and report regularly on:

  *   Trends that can be identified over a month-by-month period;
  *   Possible technical updates that should be considered to RDRS and/or related messaging and promotion (recognizing that the RDRS will only be running for a two-year period and limited resources may be available to implement such updates);
  *   Specific lessons learned that should be factored into the consideration of how to proceed with the SSAD recommendations;
  *   Suggestions to the Council for a proposed recommendation(s) to the ICANN Board in relation to the consideration of the SSAD recommendations
Reading this, I get the sense that this small team will be the only source of input (to the Council and Board) on whether to proceed with SSAD-full-cream. I am not sure this team, comprised of Councillors and SSAD team members will have the expertise in statistical analysis (bullet 1), technical aspects (bullet 2), and cost-benefit analysis (bullet 3) to deliver the required analysis.

To temper this, the Charter might make it clear that:

  1.  This will be one input into the process for determining next steps
  2.  That the team might be augmented with appropriate expertise.
  3.  Bullet 3 above be amended to state, “…consideration of whether or  how to proceed with the SSAD recommendations,” in order to avoid predetermined outcomes.

I think we might also make it clear that, rather than a monthly report format, this standing committee develops feedback when meaningful (understanding that ICANN will deliver data monthly).

I hope you find this helpful.

Best regards,


On 9 Sep 2023, at 12:38 am, Julie Bisland via council <council at gnso.icann.org<mailto:council at gnso.icann.org>> wrote:

Thank you, Osvaldo! The motions wiki page<https://community.icann.org/x/sYXxDg> has been updated.

Best regards,


From: Gnso-secs <gnso-secs-bounces at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs-bounces at icann.org>> on behalf of Osvaldo Novoa via Gnso-secs <gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>>
Reply-To: Osvaldo Novoa <osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com<mailto:osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, September 8, 2023 at 9:27 AM
To: "Sebastien at registry.godaddy<mailto:Sebastien at registry.godaddy>" <Sebastien at registry.godaddy<mailto:Sebastien at registry.godaddy>>
Cc: "gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>" <gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>>, GNSO-Chairs <gnso-chairs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-chairs at icann.org>>, "council at gnso.icann.org<mailto:council at gnso.icann.org>" <council at gnso.icann.org<mailto:council at gnso.icann.org>>
Subject: Re: [gnso-secs] [council] Motion to adopt the Charter for a RDRS Standing Committee

I second the motion.
Best regards,
Osvaldo Novoa

On 7 Sep 2023, at 18:45, Sebastien--- via council <council at gnso.icann.org<mailto:council at gnso.icann.org>> wrote:
Dear Council Colleagues,

I wanted to share the proposed Motion to adopt the Charter for a Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) Standing Committee to help inform the next steps on the SSAD policy recommendations ahead of the submission deadline to give everyone ample time to review it.

Please note that the dates in items 10 and 11 of the Whereas remain to be filled to fit our next meeting (provided no objections).

The link in reference in Item 1 of the Resolve is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IFmCY1xEtWy7IoyM-uSYiRkzFkc0jLdM/edit?pli=1 [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1IFmCY1xEtWy7IoyM-uSYiRkzFkc0jLdM/edit?pli=1__;!!PtGJab4!4GqxuEDioZ3B1_cycGOyQGigVEalnjoYxPA2TuB4BnFXK4y24XokGdOaGdhEU1f3tTF8HOoW4YibIEUMA4qnZRjJPa41$> This charter has been reviewed by the Small Team to ensure it is fit for purpose.


Sebastien Ducos
GoDaddy Registry | Senior Client Services Manager
France & Australia
sebastien at registry.godaddy<mailto:sebastien at registry.godaddy>

<Motion to adopt the Charter for a RDRS Standing Committee - 6 September 2023.docx>
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