[council] Status Update on Council Requests

desiree-me desiree-me at protonmail.com
Thu Feb 1 21:32:18 UTC 2024

Indeed a very helpful summary with action points.
Thank you


On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 20:55, Anne ICANN via council <council at gnso.icann.org> wrote:

> Thanks Greg - very helpful!
> Anne
> Anne Aikman-Scalese
> GNSO Councilor
> NomCom Non-Voting 2022-2024
> anneicanngnso at gmail.com
> On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 9:45 AM DiBiase, Gregory via council <council at gnso.icann.org> wrote:
>> Dear Councilors,
>> In an effort to keep track of Council’s requests and letters sent to ICANN Org and Board (and the responses we’ve received), Council Leadership plans to periodically send a summary of outstanding items (see below). Some of these items will be on the agenda for February’s meeting, but we thought it might be useful to see them in a single place. Please bring concerns or items we’ve missed to February’s Council meeting for discussion.
>> Council Requests:
>> Council Request (January 2024 GNSO Meeting): Timeline and plan for restarting the [PPSAI](https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/filefield_48305/ppsai-final-07dec15-en.pdf) IRT
>> ICANN Response: Update and timeline will be provided at ICANN 79
>> Proposed Next Steps: Send reminder to ICANN Staff that Council is expecting a detailed briefing and timeline on this topic at ICANN 79
>> Council Request (October 2023 GNSO Meeting): Timeline and plan for releasing reserved IGO acronyms
>> ICANN Response: Work is underway, but no clear timeline or workplan provided to date
>> Proposed Next Steps: Press ICANN Staff for a substantive update and timeline at ICANN 79
>> Council Request: (Multiple Council Meetings in 2023): Timeline for completion of DPA between ICANN and Contracted Parties.
>> ICANN Response: Work in progress; no clear timeline.
>> Proposed Next Steps: Press ICANN Staff for a substantive update and timeline at ICANN 79. Remind them that Council has work that is impacted by the delay in executing this agreement.
>> Council Letters:
>> Council Letter: Update regarding closed generics ([link](https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/ducos-to-sinha-21oct23-en.pdf)).
>> ICANN Response: Letter from Tripti Sinha addressing questions related to closed generics ([link](https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/sinha-to-zuck-dibiase-22jan24-en.pdf)).
>> Proposed Next Steps: Close this work off of Council’s worry list; remove from ADR.
>> Council Letter: Request for continued dialogue re: Board Resolutions 2023.10.26.11 and 2023.10.26.12 ([link](https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2024/correspondence/dibiase-to-sinha-09jan24-en.pdf))
>> ICANN Response: None.
>> Proposed Next Steps: Write again to ICANN Board and ask for them to engage in this dialogue.
>> We hope this summary is helpful.
>> Thanks,
>> Greg
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