[council] Open Items from ICANN 79

DiBiase, Gregory dibiase at amazon.com
Thu Mar 14 14:01:39 UTC 2024

Dear Councilors,
We are sending this "open items" email because several items require attention before our next scheduled meeting on April 18. Please see the action items listed below each issue.
CCWG Auction Proceeds; Public Comment on Bylaw Amendment
Deadline: 15 April 2024
Material: https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/proposed-bylaws-updates-to-limit-access-to-accountability-mechanisms-27-02-2024
Action Item: Designate Councilor to solicit feedback from your SG on whether they support the proposed amendment and help draft public comment from Council. We plan to submit a comment if we can reach a unified a position.
Deadline: 22 March 2024
Material: (letter from Theresa attached)
Summary: Given the number of items still in progress from ATRT3 (pilot holistic review, CCOICI, actual holistic review), ICANN is asking for feedback on whether ARTRT 4 can be deferred.
Action Item: Consult with your SGs to determine if there are any objections to supporting a deferral of ATRT4. If there are none, I think a relatively short letter can be sent by Council Leadership supporting a deferral.
Small Team Guidelines
Deadline: 18 April Council Meeting (but deadline can be moved if more discussion is warranted)
Material: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j5vDURSuz65R1gZxgxLKsK9H5cI_ux0YixAP9XhSgXg/edit
Action Item: Review document and make any comments (please submit feedback in comment form so edits are easier to manage). We plan to submit a motion to adopt at April's Council meeting.
GAC Liaison Guidelines
Deadline: 18 April Council Meeting (but deadline can be moved if more discussion is warranted)
Action Item: Review document and make any comments (please submit feedback in comment form so edits are easier to manage). We plan to submit a motion to adopt at the April's meeting but recognize more discussion may be needed.
Proposed Amendment to Recommendation 7
Deadline: May 17 (after our April meeting), but we are including here because it is related (in subject matter) to the proposed bylaw amendment referenced above.
Material: (letter from Tripti attached)
Action Item: Consult with your SGs to determine if there are objections to the proposed revision of recommendation 7. We can discuss at our April meeting and prepare a response before the 17 May deadline.


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