[CPWG] [registration-issues-wg] [GTLD-WG] Feedback on EPDP Form Community Questions

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Sat Dec 22 18:49:57 UTC 2018

At 22/12/2018 11:51 AM, Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond wrote:

Hello all,

On 19/12/2018 17:20, Greg Shatan wrote:

EPDP Leadership chose to utilize Google Forms because Google automatically sorts and organizes answers to questions, which will expedite the process of compiling comments received.

To put this in more concrete terms, Google Forms automatically flows the answers through to a spreadsheet, where each submitter gets their own row, and each question gets its own column.  Voila, each each cell contains a single party’s answer to a single question.  This saves untold hours of cutting and pasting.  The spreadsheet also tabulates the answers to multiple choice questions.

My point is that for ICANN communities that submit a Statement on behalf of a constituency and therefore not a personal comment, this is a false economy, as the cut/paste work now either needs to be done by At-Large Staff, or by unpaid volunteers. Pushing the work to the edges, is an unfair way to save money at the core.
Kindest regards,


It is not only a "convenience" but will make the resultant table available far quicker. Contributing to this was not allowing free-form input but rather only the structured replies.

On the processing issue, there is a third option. The GNSO staff who made the decision (perhaps in conjunction with EPDP leadership) can accept the WORD document and they do the cut/paste. And that is what is happening!


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