[CPWG] [registration-issues-wg] [GTLD-WG] Next possible move related to GDPR

Evan Leibovitch evan at telly.org
Tue Sep 4 17:44:36 UTC 2018

On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 13:02, Bill Silverstein <icann-list at sorehands.com>

> The End-Users
> would want to easy and full access to the registrant info. That is only
> when they want to know who sent an e-mail or who owns the web site.

There exist multiple examples of life outside the ICANN bubble where access
to ownership information is neither publicly accessible nor completely
inaccessible in cases of abuse or other objectionable activity. License
plates on autos are a clear example. If you spot someone driving
dangerously on the road you don't have access to the details of the car's
owner but LEA does, and they can access it even before a law is deemed to
be broken.

Users of the road are not clamouring for better access to vehicle data; in
most countries the system works. I don't see demands for Internet ownership
info that would exceed demands for car or other ownership data.

Many other examples exist. Domain space -- and indeed the Internet -- does
not lie outside public norms elsewhere.

- Evan
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