[CPWG] Fwd: [SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning] Topic Proposals for ICANN65 Marrakech

Maureen Hilyard maureen.hilyard at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 12:39:37 UTC 2019

Another suggestion below for the Cross-Community or HIT sessions (not quite
sure what the difference is)
Sorry I can't make the meeting this morning (1am) I have two meetings at
5.30 onwards and need some sleep before then.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jonathan Robinson <jrobinson at afilias.info>
Date: Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: [SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning] Topic Proposals for
ICANN65 Marrakech
To: Tanzanica S. King <tanzanica.king at icann.org>,
SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning <
soac-leaders-icannmeeting-planning at icann.org>


One point on meeting organisation that I was particularly aware of in Kobe
was duplication.

I was interested in and tracking the ICANN Budget process and so attended
the relevant ccNSO session, GNSO session and cross-community session.

Not only was there significant or total duplication of the content across
the sessions but the Cross-C session was very poorly attended. So much so
that it was effectively the ICANN finance team and (IIRC) myself and one
other individual actively engaged with them.

There was clearly inefficiency in this as well as the creation of parallel
sessions (a commonly voiced community concern); more than otherwise may
have been required.

With this background, I understand that there is a proposal from the ATRT3
chairs to meet with various groups in Marrakech.

Moreover, that my group (the RySG) is not meeting together as a group for
any length of time (in order to enable RySG members to participate
elsewhere) and so will not be able to meet with ATRT3.

Given the goals of the ATRT3 group in Marrakech are as follows:

- Socialize our terms of reference and scope;

- Conduct investigation of identified objectives

- Seek input from the community to help us shape our findings and draft

My proposal here and to this group is that *ATRT3 hold a community-wide
engagement and feedback session within a 90 minute slot*.

I trust that you will find this logical and sensible use of community



*From:* Tanzanica S. King [mailto:tanzanica.king at icann.org]
*Sent:* Thursday, April 11, 2019 8:53 PM
*To:* SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning <
soac-leaders-icannmeeting-planning at icann.org>
*Subject:* [SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning] Topic Proposals for ICANN65

Dear Community Leaders:

Several important issues were raised during the ICANN65 Kickoff in Kobe,
and it’s been good to see discussions continue on the mailing list after
the meeting.

So far, the suggested topics for cross-community or high-interest sessions
in Marrakech are as follows:

1.     Policy around Universal Acceptance and steps to be taken by TLD
operators/registrars, software developers and hosting companies

2.     DNS over HTTPS (DoH) – hot subject for many stakeholders: TLDs,
users, governments, lawyers, ISPs, etc.

3.     Nominating Committee Review

4.     Evolution of ICANN Multi-stakeholder model of Governance

5.     Hijacking / Account Take-Over / Attacks

To move us forward in the selection of topics, the ICANN65 Topic Proposal
Form <https://icann.wufoo.com/forms/icannn65-topic-proposal-form/> is now
open for submissions. Before completing a form, please continue to share
all proposed topics with the group to avoid duplicate submissions.

*ICANN65 Topic Proposal Form*

*Submission Deadline: **19 April 2019*

The group also suggested that we reduce the number of CC/HIT slots to allow
more time for progressing policy work, with an understanding that the final
slots will be based on necessity and prioritization of topics. This
approach aligns perfectly with the intentions of the block schedule.
However, for schedule development, it may be helpful to know which of the
seven slots is most likely to be freed up. Given the CC/HIT slots on Monday
and Wednesday conflict with Tech Day and the GAC Communiqué, can we assume
these would be the first to drop off? Again, even if not final, this
guidance will help support schedule planning for your groups.




Tanzanica S. King

Sr. Manager, Meeting Strategy and Design


Office   +1 310 301 5800

Mobile  +1 310 995 3038

SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning mailing list
SOAC-Leaders-ICANNMeeting-Planning at icann.org
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