[CPWG] Subsequent Procedures WT5 on Geonames: A proposal from geoTLD group to change the existing AGB string contention resolution for geonames

Justine Chew justine.chew at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 00:32:59 UTC 2019

Dear all,

I have been asked to bring this proposal from the geoTLD group for
At-Large/ALAC's consideration.

In short, the proposal seeks to change the existing AGB string contention
resolution procedure to recognise rights to non-capital city name strings
under applicable national law.

While I expect the details, intricacies (read: varying circumstances) and
text changes (I suspect there will be) will be discussed at the next WT5
call (on 7 Aug 2019, 20:00 UTC), I understand it to propose in principle

   - Where there is a contention set for a non-capital city name
   string, priority would be given to the applicant that intends to use the
   non-capital city name string for geographic purposes provided the applicant
   is based in a country where national laws exist to protect such names like
   in Switzerland and Germany. Recall that any applicant that wishes to apply
   for/use a non-capital city name for geographic purposes is subject to the
   preventative protection mechanism (i.e. must obtain a letter of support or
   non-objection from the relevant government or local authority)
   - Where there is more than one applicant that intends to use the same
   non-capital city name string for geographic purposes and they all have
   obtained the requisite letter of support or non-objection from their
   respective government or local authority, priority would be given to the
   applicant whose application is intended to serve the non-capital city with
   the larger or largest population size.

I shall attempt to include this on the agenda of today's CPWG Call (on 7
Aug 2019 at 19:00 UTC).


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Katrin Ohlmer | DOTZON GmbH <ohlmer at dotzon.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2019 at 01:28
Subject: Re: [Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt5] Proposed Agenda - Work Track 5 - 7
August 2019 at 20:00 UTC
To: gnso-newgtld-wg-wt5 at icann.org <gnso-newgtld-wg-wt5 at icann.org>

Dear All,

as announced, I would like to provide the proposal of the geoTLD group on
the topic 4 „Changes to string contention resolution“:

*Update Applicant Guidebook, Chapter with:*

If an application for a string representing a geographic name is in a
contention set with applications for identical strings that have not been
identified as geographical names, the string contention will be resolved
using the string contention procedures described in Module 4.

*Update Applicant Guidebook, Module 4. with:*

A// In case there is contention for a string where one application intends
to use the string as a non-capital city name or designated the TLD to
targeting it to a geographic meaning, preference should be given to the
applicant who will use the TLD for geographic purposes if the applicant for
the geoTLD is based in a country where national law gives precedent to city
and/or regional names.

*RATIONALE: This would reflect national law e.g. in countries like
Switzerland and Germany, where e.g. city names have more rights that
holders of the same name.*

B// If there is more than one applicant for an identical string
representing a geographic name, and the applications have requisite
government approvals, the applicant with the larger no of inhabitants will
prevail over the smaller one. As the criteria „size“ has been used in the
CPE criteria, it is apparently a well-accepted criteria.

*RATIONALE: This would reflect the current rule of the Applicant Guidebook
„capital city has priority over smaller city.*

I’m happy to explain our thoughts until our call, individually or on the

Kind regards


DOTZON GmbH - digital identities for tomorrow
Akazienstrasse 28
10823 Berlin
Deutschland - Germany
Tel: +49 30 49802722
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ohlmer at dotzon.consulting

Besuchen Sie uns auf LinkedIn <https://de.linkedin.com/company/dotzon-gmbh>.

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 118598
Geschäftsführer: Katrin Ohlmer
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Akazienstrasse 28, 10823 Berlin

*Von:* Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt5 <gnso-newgtld-wg-wt5-bounces at icann.org> *Im
Auftrag von *Emily Barabas
*Gesendet:* Dienstag, 6. August 2019 12:14
*An:* gnso-newgtld-wg-wt5 at icann.org
*Betreff:* [Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt5] Proposed Agenda - Work Track 5 - 7 August
2019 at 20:00 UTC

Dear all,

Please find below the proposed agenda for the Work Track 5 call tomorrow, 7
August 2019 at 20:00 UTC for 90 minutes:

   1. Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
   2. Closure of Discussion on Languages/Translations (see attached
   document summarizing proposals that have been discussed on recent calls)
   3. Closure of Discussion on Non-AGB Terms
   4. Closure of Discussion on Changes to String Contention Resolution
   5. Final review of public comments - Proposals 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 37

   - Please see the public comment summary document beginning on page
32: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rsyxCEBd6ax3Rb_w1kms_E9n29XL1_lw3Yp9XQ4TeCY/edit?ts=5ce64d6d#
   - For reference, full text of comments is available at:

   1. AOB

Kind regards,


*Emily Barabas *| Policy Manager

*ICANN* | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Email: emily.barabas at icann.org | Phone: +31 (0)6 84507976

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