[CPWG] NYTimes: The .Org Mirage

John McCormac jmcc at hosterstats.com
Thu Dec 5 20:43:57 UTC 2019

On 05/12/2019 19:15, Jonathan Zuck wrote:
> I guess that was the motivation behind NGO which was meant to include 
> some kind of validation. Of course, all the hate groups in the world 
> would still get through if they registered themselves as non-profits. 
> Also, John reminded us that a lot of the for-profit registrants are just 
> doing defensive registrations.
> That said, I wouldn’t mind disincentives to profiteering in the domain 
> such as capping after market prices at documented cost of owning the 
> domain. And certainly .ORG could use even more aggressive DNS Abuse 
> protections such as those in use by .EU and .UK.,

The whole DNS abuse thing is a very slippery slope, Jonathan,
Most of the definitions have centred on the e-mail spam, malware and 
other abuse. The problem with trying to limit expression is that it runs 
in to the censorship issue. That puts the registry in the position of 
content editor and that's enough to lose legal immunity as it could be 
assumed that the registry was aware of the problematic content.

The .EU is a gateway TLD rather than a ccTLD. It lost the chance to be a 
ccTLD when it lost registrant confidence during the Sunrise and landrush 
phases. EURid has been fighting a rearguard action since 2006 in this 
respect. The .UK is a very different TLD in that it is a genuine ccTLD 
that has a clearly identified national market. The .EU is effectively a 
gTLD by comparison and is not a first choice TLD for registrants.

Limiting resale prices for .ORG doesn't really seem feasible. Other than 
revoking the domain name on detection, it would cause a lot of problems. 
There is no middle ground between a managed TLD and an open TLD.

John McCormac  *  e-mail: jmcc at hosterstats.com
MC2            *  web: http://www.hosterstats.com/
22 Viewmount   *  Domain Registrations Statistics
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