[CPWG] REMINDER / Meeting invitation: At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) Call on Wednesday, 08 July 2020 at 13:00 UTC

Alexander Schubert alexander at schubert.berlin
Fri Jul 10 07:14:18 UTC 2020

Dear Tijani,

You said: “Any geo-name could be applied for by a commercial entity, a government or a community”.

I guess you are hinting at “.amazon” or “.patagonia”. And you suggest that in theory Amazon (the huge company) might try to apply as community priority applicant – and then would profit from the CPE-booster (which of course would be unfair; und would not be intended)?

Thanks for bringing that up: good thinking and very valuable! Obviously such abuse will have to be prevented. A community applicant for a city name (or geo name; I assume that about 90% of geo application will be cities next time) will ONLY benefit from the “CPE booster” if they designate their application as geo application – and NOT as brand. Then they still they have to get all the support letters (geo support letters) – AND they have to avoid that the community objects to the applicant entity in the same time. So that way we would be “safe”.

Here how it would work;

Say you are applying for a city name. You first would be forced to designate it as geo application (otherwise you won’t be able to benefit from a potential CPE-booster). This would then trigger the requirement of the letter of non-objection from the city government (which again would not be necessary if you do not designate it as geo application). After that you can opt to apply as community priority applicant (but that is YOUR choice as applicant): if you do so you have to fill out the relevant application questions and submit all the support letters: it’s a LOT of work, I have done it with Dirk for .berlin, then we did it for .gay; now I am doing it for .tampa and .airport. Don’t expect that you show up at a chamber meeting and ask for such letter and they immediately happily sign it. They will want two presentations, then they discuss it in the board (which doesn’t meet very often). Then they want to discuss the content of the letter in 5 iterations. At the end they need to present it to their full board meeting (which happens even more seldom and usually has a packed agenda) and formally vote on it. Takes easily 6 month and just one letter is lots of sweat, energy and time. But it can also take a year. That’s why I started dotTAMPA, LLC in 2019. These efforts take so much time. That’s why only few go through the process of a community priority applicant.






Hi Alan,

So, that's it: you want us to ask the addition of the geo-name nature of the string applied for as a criterion for the CPE to decide whether the application is Community one or not.

In my opinion, it's absolutely irrelevent. Any geo-name could be applied for by a commercial entity, a government or a community. The fact that it is a geo-name shouldn't give more credit to the applicat even if it is a community. Any application is not more community one when it is for the geo-name string.




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