[CPWG] 25 Aug meeting

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Wed Aug 25 05:32:47 UTC 2021

I will not be able to attend. Perhaps someone can 
display and present this for the record.

With regard to the EPDP RDDS, here is a brief summary of the status:

- The final meeting of the EPDP Phase 2a (which 
will certainly be the last phase, and thus this 
will be the last meeting of the EPDP) will take place on Thursday, 26 Aug.

- The Final Report is scheduled to be issued on 2 
September 2021. Minority Statements will be accepted until Friday, 10 Sept.

- The one thing that the ALAC hoped to get 
accepted was a new RDDS field identifying if the 
registrant is a Legal or Natural person. With a 
last minute small team effort (of which I was a 
participant) with remarkable (for the EPDP) 
cooperation, we have achieved that. Steve 
Crocker, one of the SSAC members, was 
instrumental in this. There will in fact be two 
fields, each with 4 possible values:

Legal Status
- The legal status distinction was not made.
- Unspecified - Indicating the Registered Name 
Holder and/or registrar didn't specify.
- Registered Name Holder is a Natural person
- Registered Name Holder is a Legal person

Personal Data
- The presence of personal data wasn't determined
- Unspecified - Indicating the Registered Name 
Holder and/or registrar didn't specify
- Registration data contains personal information
- Registration data does NOT contain personal information

The use of this field is optional. We had hoped 
that the use would be mandatory for those 
registrations where the registrar had made a 
determination/distinction, but that will not be 
the case. The SSAD, should it be implemented, 
must support these fields if provided.

Hadia and I have not yet discussed what we would 
suggest be in a minority statement, but it might include:

- Regret that the EPDP did not sufficiently 
attempt to determine AND analyze the benefits of 
doing a legal/natural determination 
(specifically, the benefits associated with cybersecurity)

- Noting that we have sufficient time to 
thoroughly discuss and analyze e-mail anonymization (and similar) options.

- Regret that we identified that the Web forms 
allowed under Phase 1 for registrant contact had 
proven to be insufficient, but that fixing the 
problem had been ruled out of scope.

I'm sure Hadia can add more to this report.


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