[CPWG] Today's call and the ccTLD/gTLD trends/Following ccTLDs on DNS Abuse

John McCormac jmcc at hosterstats.com
Wed May 4 08:36:45 UTC 2022

On 03/05/2022 00:16, Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond wrote:
> On 28/04/2022 21:32, John McCormac via CPWG wrote:
>> On 28/04/2022 08:28, Evan Leibovitch wrote:
>>> ICANN hasn't made a bad effort of informing the public of the 
>>> differences between Gs and CCs, it has made no effort at all. Not 
>>> even the minimum -- a gap analysis that clearly indicates the policy 
>>> differences between ICANN and the various CC registries.
>>> If it does exist it's well buried.
>>> Perhaps this remains a public information mandate which ALAC could 
>>> advocate needs to be resourced. Never too late.
>> It would be interesting to see such an analysis, Evan, 
> I was under the impression that an independent organisation like the 
> Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network were going to undertake such 
> study. I must admit I haven't followed this so closely - perhaps someone 
> can enlighten us on this?

Seriously though, Christopher's idea of a statistics/economics 
department for ICANN is a good one as it might have prevented them 
making what can only be described as Astrological or Numerological 
"predictions" about the 2012 round.

I'm not exactly sure about the gap analysis on policies as the gTLDs are 
typically global in nature and most ccTLDS are geographically limited 
and governed by local legislation. One of the big problems, as I 
remember from the .EU Sunrise fiasco was the difference in how business 
names (a "trading as" or "doing business as" name) were treated in law 
across the EU. Simple enough to sort out beforehand but it wasn't and it 
led to high levels of outright cybersquatting and rejected applications.

The registrants need simple and clear explanations of the differences 
rather than intricate explanations of policies. I've a rough schema in 
mind but haven't read all the policies.

John McCormac  *  e-mail: jmcc at hosterstats.com
MC2            *  web: http://www.hosterstats.com/
22 Viewmount   *  Domain Registrations Statistics
Waterford      *  Domnomics - the business of domain names
Ireland        *  https://amzn.to/2OPtEIO
IE             *  Skype: hosterstats.com

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