[CPWG] .edu

Roberto Gaetano roberto_gaetano at hotmail.com
Thu May 25 06:22:56 UTC 2023

Dear all,

Yesterday I joined the call late, so I have probably missed something - sorry if I am saying something that was already did during the call.

Mention was made of a registration under .edu, I believe by Gopal, and the issue was which registrar. When the SRS was developed for the separation between Ry and Rar this model was applied only to .com, .org and .net, while the other TLDs that were not open to public - like .gov, .mil, .int, .edu - were left unchanged. So the registration via an ICANN-approved Registrar only applied to the TLDs managed by Network Solution. As a consequence, there is no need to go through a Registrar for registering a SLD under .edu.


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