[client com] CWG Stewardship Dependency on CCWG Accountability - Process & Timing

Jonathan Robinson jrobinson at afilias.info
Wed Feb 17 17:18:20 UTC 2016

Dear Shorn,

Thank-you. Lise and I have discussed these points.


We are able to confirm that the format you are working on – the shorter form letter - will be satisfactory and is consistent with our expectations.


We will revert to you ASAP if there are any further developments or updates with respect to the other two points highlighted below.


Best wishes,





From: Flanagan, Sharon [mailto:sflanagan at sidley.com] 
Sent: 17 February 2016 02:24
To: Lise Fuhr <Fuhr at etno.eu>; jrobinson at afilias.info
Cc: Greg Shatan <gregshatanipc at gmail.com>; maarten.simon at sidn.nl; Client <cwg-client at icann.org>; Gregory, Holly <holly.gregory at sidley.com>; 'Gomes, Chuck' <cgomes at verisign.com>
Subject: RE: CWG Stewardship Dependency on CCWG Accountability - Process & Timing


Dear Lise and Jonathan,


We reviewed the transcript from the February 9 budget call.  Are there other budget calls that would be relevant to our review of the CCWG proposal as it relates to the CWG budget dependency?   On its face, the current CCWG draft proposal on budget appears to meet the CWG dependency.  There is an acknowledgement that CWG (or a successor) will further detail the PTI budget process.  If there’s anything else you think we should be aware of in our review, please let us know, but otherwise we would anticipate the draft comment letter confirming that the CWG dependency on budgets has been met.


With respect to another CWG dependency -- the Community Empowerment Mechanism -- in the prior CWG comment letter, there was a request for CCWG to consider whether the timelines in the proposal for SO/AC action were sufficiently long.  The revised CCWG proposal has extended some of these timelines.  Has CWG reviewed and confirmed that these are responsive to the CWG comment?     This is not strictly an issue of conformity with the CWG proposal as the CWG proposal does not address this type of detail, but since it was in the prior comment letter, we wanted to note it.


One other question we had is on format for the draft CWG comment letter to CCWG.  We were planning to prepare a shorter form letter that would recap the CWG dependencies and include a conclusion as to whether each dependency has been met, but would not include the more detailed “comments” section from the prior letter.  Is that consistent with your expectations?  


Best regards,




+1 415 772 1271
 <mailto:sflanagan at sidley.com> sflanagan at sidley.com


From: Lise Fuhr [mailto:Fuhr at etno.eu] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 7:40 AM
To: Flanagan, Sharon; jrobinson at afilias.info <mailto:jrobinson at afilias.info> 
Cc: Greg Shatan; maarten.simon at sidn.nl <mailto:maarten.simon at sidn.nl> ; Client; Gregory, Holly; 'Gomes, Chuck'
Subject: RE: CWG Stewardship Dependency on CCWG Accountability - Process & Timing


Dear Sharon,


Thank you for your confirmation. Is there anything more you need from us in order to make the updated letter on dependencies? Since you were not able to make the Budget call a while ago and since the new wording on the budget was not discussed in detail at the call there are no recording. Therefore I am wondering if you need a short description of the changes? But if you already have made the comparison of the text in relation to our requirements we will not prepare the description.





From: Flanagan, Sharon [mailto:sflanagan at sidley.com] 
Sent: 15 February 2016 20:30
To: jrobinson at afilias.info <mailto:jrobinson at afilias.info> 
Cc: Greg Shatan; maarten.simon at sidn.nl <mailto:maarten.simon at sidn.nl> ; Client; Lise Fuhr; Gregory, Holly
Subject: RE: CWG Stewardship Dependency on CCWG Accountability - Process & Timing


Dear Jonathan and Lise,


Confirming that we will provide the requested draft on the timeline noted below.


Kind regards,

Holly and Sharon



+1 415 772 1271
 <mailto:sflanagan at sidley.com> sflanagan at sidley.com


From: Jonathan Robinson [mailto:jrobinson at afilias.info] 
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 12:53 AM
To: Flanagan, Sharon; Gregory, Holly
Cc: Greg Shatan; maarten.simon at sidn.nl <mailto:maarten.simon at sidn.nl> ; Client; 'Lise Fuhr'
Subject: FW: CWG Stewardship Dependency on CCWG Accountability - Process & Timing


Dear Sharon,


Please see below for a note sent Friday 12 February to the CWG Stewardship regarding timing for the certification of dependencies on the CCWG Stewardship Proposal.


In essence, our question to you is; Will it be possible for you to produce a revised / updated version of the attached letter by the end of the day (say 23h59 UTC) on Friday 19 February (to be ultimately sent to both the CCWG Accountability and the CWG Stewardship Chartering Organisations)?


Assuming the above is possible, we (the CWG Stewardship) will then review the updated version and comment by 23h59 UTC on Monday. We will then ask you for a final revision (if required) and then proceed to sign-off on the final version of the letter on 25 February.


Thank-you for your assistance on this.


Jonathan Robinson & Lise Fuhr

For and on behalf of the CWG Stewardship


From: Jonathan Robinson [mailto:jrobinson at afilias.info] 
Sent: 12 February 2016 14:35
To: cwg-stewardship at icann.org <mailto:cwg-stewardship at icann.org> 
Cc: 'Lise Fuhr' <fuhr at etno.eu <mailto:fuhr at etno.eu> >
Subject: CWG Stewardship Dependency on CCWG Accountability - Process & Timing




An update on process and timing regarding our work on the CWG Stewardship Dependency on CCWG Accountability.


*        CWG Accountability plans to publish their draft Supplementary Proposal to the CCWG on 16 February 2016.


*        Following that, the CCWG plan is to distribute the Supplementary Proposal to the Chartering Organisations on 18 February.


*        The CCWG and the Chartering Organisations will reasonably expect us – the CWG Stewardship – to confirm ASAP that the conditionality we defined has been met.


*        When CCWG published their previous version – the third Draft Proposal – we (with the assistance of Sidley Austin) sent a detailed response (attached for reference).


*        This detailed response now needs updating to reflect the changes that have since been made in the Supplementary Proposal and the Client Committee will ask Sidley to undertake that work.


*        Accordingly, we expect to have an up-to-date response (to the CCWG Supplementary Proposal) prepared by Sidley for final review by this group as close to the 18 February publication of the CCWG Supplementary Proposal as possible.


*        Please be on the lookout for this response (currently anticipated to be Fri 19 February) and be prepared to offer any feedback immediately and no later than 23h59 UTC on Mon 22 February.


*        Lise and I will then ensure that the final response is communicated to the CCWG, the Chartering Organisations and, of course, the ICG on or around 23 February.


Any concerns, questions or issues arising, please let us know ASAP.






Jonathan & Lise

CWG Stewardship Co-Chairs



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