[CWG-Stewardship] Composition of MRT

Guru Acharya gurcharya at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 11:06:40 UTC 2014

The CWG is yet to decide the composition of the MRT. I was hoping someone
could throw a strawman composition at us so that discussions can be

As reference, the composition of ICG is as follows:

ALAC x 2
ASO x 1
ccNSO x 4
GAC x 5
GNSO x 3
gTLD Registries x 2
IAB x 2
IETF x 2
ISOC x 2
NRO x 2
SSAC x 2

1) Should members of non-naming communities (like IETF and ASO) be a part
of MRT since our proposal only relates to the IANA for the names community?
For example, the CRISP (numbers community) draft proposal does not envision
names community members in its oversight mechanism.

2) Which stakeholder groups should be included beyond the ICANN community
structures so that the MRT is representative of the global-multistakeholder
community? For example, should IGF-MAG members have a place?

3) How do we include ccTLDs that are not ccNSO members?

4) How do we ensure membership from developing countries (not government,
but civil society or technical community) - is some sort of affirmative
action possible?
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