[CWG-Stewardship] Strickling Remarks from 4 December re IANA Transition and Accountability

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Fri Dec 12 16:32:36 UTC 2014

Dear Greg,

thanks for following-up on my questions/comments. See below (a much
shortened track):

On 12/12/2014 05:50, Greg Shatan wrote:
> I think it's been fairly clear that MRT is not a not-for-profit
> company (or legal entity of any type), and thus would not have
> directors, but I'm happy to clarify that here.  It's a one-level
> organization (not excluding their right to form subgroups and
> committees, as we have done here).

How does the proposed "Contract Co." receive binding instructions from
MRT? How does it issue binding resolutions to the IANA Functions Operator?

Kind regards,

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