[CWG-Stewardship] Notes and action items from today's meeting

Grace Abuhamad grace.abuhamad at icann.org
Mon Dec 22 05:35:21 UTC 2014

Dear all, 

The meeting notes, transcripts, recordings, etc have been posted to the Wiki
at: https://community.icann.org/x/DDHxAg


From:  Marika Konings <marika.konings at icann.org>
Date:  Thursday, December 18, 2014 6:55 AM
To:  "cwg-stewardship at icann.org" <cwg-stewardship at icann.org>
Subject:  [CWG-Stewardship] Notes and action items from today's meeting

Dear All,

Please find below the notes from today¹s meeting. As a reminder the action
items are:

Action item: Everyone encouraged to provide input to the latest version of
the MRT structural analysis (see
2yk/edit?usp=sharing - Please use the "Suggest" mode, rather than the "Edit"
mode, so that your changes show up in "track changes" style, along with a
marginal comment box)

Action item: Forward GAC letter concerning principles (Lise)

Action item: Review comments received during public comment forum (all)

Action item: Provide input to public comment forum by 22 December (all)

Action item: Participate in the next meeting of the CWG on 30 December at
14.00 UTC (all)

Attached you will find the chat transcript of today¹s meeting.

Best regards,


Notes 18 December: 

Status Updates
* Only updates from sub-group 3, 4 and 5 during today's meeting
* RFP 3 is continuing its meetings as well as discussions on the mailing
list, reviewing structural analysis of the MRT (see google doc). Next call
is scheduled for Friday 19 December. CSC structural analysis document to be
posted shortly.
Action item: Everyone encouraged to provide input to the latest version of
the MRT structural analysis (see
2yk/edit?usp=sharing - Please use the "Suggest" mode, rather than the "Edit"
mode, so that your changes show up in "track changes" style, along with a
marginal comment box)
* RFP 5 met for the second time this week. Group has discussed how to draft
(form and structure) of text. Two layer approach - high level tabular
approach to confirm whether criteria have been met as well as explanatory
language. Next meeting on 30 December.
* RFP 4 also met earlier this week. Initial structure for work was presented
and discussed, which includes three work streams (1 - review of technical
requirements, 2 - timeline, 3 - key risks / testing). Next meeting scheduled
for 23 December. Participation was limited in the last meeting so some work
has been pushed out to the mailing list.
Presentation and Review of Work Plan (between now and 11 January)
* Review of proposed meetings in December and January
* Reading and review week from 22 Dec-29 Dec - will allow staff to develop a
summary of the comments received. Following that, a small group of CWG
volunteers will prepare a draft analysis of the comments received for CWG
Understand the principle of separability
* See also (draft) principles developed by the CWG
* Aim to finalize principles by 8 January meeting (continue conversations on
the mailing list, including comments received from the GAC)
* Separability is included as a principle in this draft and has not been
challenged by anyone to date
* ALAC is of the view that it should not be a principle or core around which
the proposal is built - although no objections were received in relation to
the draft principles. ALAC is of the view that the same net effect can be
achieved without having separability as the cornerstone of the proposal.
* How is this separability (in case of dooms-day scenario) achieved in the
ALAC proposal?
* Separability has been part of the system from the start - why change it
now? How do you ensure accountability if you do not have the ability to
change the contract? ALAC is of the view that there are other ways to
achieve this than a contract, including additional accountability
* Is disagreement around how separability is built in, not necessarily
around the principle itself? Yes, correct.
* Agreement on separability as a principle - no agreement yet on how to
implement it though
* Consider developing criteria for separability
Due consideration of alternative proposal (not to exclude other proposals)
* Brief overview of ALAC proposal - some of the details are left to the
Acccountability CCWG as the solution is internal to ICANN (see also diagrams
shared during the meeting)
* Why is responsibility for accountability mechanisms deferred to CCWG while
CWG charter makes clear that accountability relating to the IANA function is
within scope of the CWG?
* Main issue is with Contract Co. function.
* Divestiture is solution should separabilty become necessary - who would
order such divestiture would need to be further fleshed out (for example,
membership organization), what would be the trigger point?
* Consider whether RFP 4 should test the ALAC proposal? Need to wait and see
what other public comments are received.

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