[CWG-Stewardship] Draft of Principles

Paul M Kane Paul.Kane at icb.co.uk
Sun Nov 16 19:17:14 UTC 2014

Thanks Chuck,

Gomes, Chuck wrote:
> Paul,
> I need to comment on the following sentence that you added: "The ccTLD manager's receipt of IANA services is not in any way contingent upon membership in the ccNSO and a ccNSO member can resign at any time and cease to abide by policies developed by the ccNSO."  I want to be careful about treading into ccTLD space because that is not my area of expertise but I have concerns about the last part of your sentence.  I think I am fine with the first two parts but not with " cease to abide by policies developed by the ccNSO".

The above is COPIED from the ICANN Bylaws.....
https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/bylaws-2012-02-25-en#IX  (section 4 subsection 2)

Note - the ccNSO fulfils a useful purpose for those that participate - just that is is not_the_  Policy development forum for ALL ccTLD Registries.
We need to be careful to respect the diversity that exists amongst ccTLDs, almost all ccTLD have local Policy development processes that are approved by the Registry's Board of Directors and such good corporate governance practice must be respected.

Rest assured that ccTLDs follow the Technical Standards that are published by the IETF to ensure global interability and Registration Policy for ccTLD is published by each ccTLD registry in accordance with their procedures.

>   Here are my concerns:
>   ...... I think it is incumbent on them to participate in the policy development process; if they don't participate, then I don't think they have much ground for disagreeing with any policies that reach consensus level of support except in cases where their local laws might prevent them from doing so.

Just because an employee participates at a meeting (wherever that 
meeting is held) does not bind their employer / company as formally 
adopted business practice - unless the Board has explicitly agreed to 
it. Consequently, as a matter of good corporate governance, specific 
business practices can only be mandated by a Registry's Board of 
Directors by passing a resolution to adopt a specific set of rules that 
impact the operation of that company.

Kind regards


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