[CWG-Stewardship] Call for volunteers - IPR issue

Jonathan Robinson jrobinson at afilias.info
Wed Nov 4 17:42:41 UTC 2015



Many thanks to those who have come forward and volunteered for this group.


It would be good to have a team lead / rapporteur in order to co-ordinate
and organise the work of the group.


Is anyone of the volunteers willing to step up to do so?




Jonathan & Lise


From: Lise Fuhr [mailto:lise.fuhr at difo.dk] 
Sent: 22 October 2015 15:11
To: cwg-stewardship at icann.org
Subject: [CWG-Stewardship] Call for volunteers - IPR issue




We now need to get to work on dealing with the IANA IPR. As you know, there
are various reference documents as follows:


1.      ICG Proposal


2.      The recent draft specification from the numbers community


3.      The framework from the protocols community


4.      The ICANN Board Statement

5.      The CWG Statement on the IPR issue
<https://community.icann.org/x/LohYAw> https://community.icann.org/x/LohYAw


It seems to the CWG Stewardship chairs that we need a group with relevant
expertise to look into and propose the principles and requirements for a
post-transition home for the IANA IPR.


Relevant expertise may include; trademark law and practice, trust law and
practice and detailed understanding of background to the formation,
development and management of the IETF Trust.


Given that the other operational communities are ahead of us on this and
very interested to communicate and collaborate as necessary, there is some
urgency to this work. Ideally a draft should be ready for the meeting on 5th


Accordingly, please could we hear from interested participants with relevant
expertise as soon as possible. Please express your interest on list.


Thank you,


Lise & Jonathan

CWG Co-Chairs


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