[Discussion-igo-rc] Summary of discussion on the GAC-GNSO Facilitated Dialogue on IGO Protections

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Thu Apr 27 09:40:50 UTC 2017

Hello Jonathan,

>>  You mention obliquely but not specifically notification to prospective registrants (I assume that this is what you mean in the last bullet of item 2). I refer you to our discussion on this point in Copenhagen, as well as the GNSO's recent response to GAC advice on the matter. Just wanted to confirm that this particular element had not been forgotten.

Yes - good point.   This doesn't change the current GNSO recommendation to also notify registrants for a limited time period as noted in their recent response.

I was specifically following up on the mechanisms to permanently notify IGOs of second-level
registration of strings that match their acronyms .

Bruce Tonkin 

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