[Discussion-igo-rc] External Legal advice on applicable local law for the protection of the legal rights of IGOs

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Thu Apr 27 23:39:13 UTC 2017

Hello Phil,

>>   In that regard, if such an effort is undertaken we would seek a good faith estimate of the projected delivery date of the resulting legal memo.

That is a fair question – I will ask the ICANN organization if they can provide some estimates.   I expect it will depend on when the text of the question can be agreed, a legal advisor selected, and how many legal jurisdictions are involved.

In proposing getting the legal advice it has never been my intention to slow down the community work that is underway.   It was just that during our session in Copenhagen the answer to the general question was not clear.   The assumption is that legal mechanisms exist to take action over the mis-use of IGO names and abbreviations - but the specifics were not available.   It was also clear that different countries may use different approaches.

Bruce Tonkin

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