[Discussion-igo-rc] GNSO/GAC/Board discussions in Copenhagen

James M. Bladel jbladel at godaddy.com
Sat Feb 25 05:17:22 UTC 2017

Dear Melissa –

Yesterday, Mary mentioned that the GNSO/GAC/Board “Facilitated Discussions” planned for ICANN58 in Copenhagen are currently designated as “private”, and do not appear on the published ICANN58 calendar.

I’m not sure if this was an oversight, or something that was requested by one of the other groups, but please be advised that the GNSO’s ability to participate in these sessions, and to speak on behalf of our stakeholders, is predicated on these sessions being open to the public.

Please let me know what is needed from our side to make this change, and if we should work with your team or via Tanzi and Nick.

Thank you, and have a good weekend.


James Bladel
GNSO Chair
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