[Discussion-igo-rc] Comments on the updated problem statement / List of national legislation on the use and protection of the Red Cross and Red Crescent emblems and designations

Stephane Hankins shankins at icrc.org
Mon Mar 6 20:15:45 UTC 2017

Dear Mary, dear Olof,

Many thanks for your recent messages and for all the documents prepared and circulated. 

(1) We are not sure whether the updated problem statement dated 4 March is still open for comments.
We are attaching herewith a revised version of the problem statement including our comments and suggestions in track-changes.
(2) We are also attaching herewith an updated list of national legislation on the use and protection of the Red Cross and Red Crescent emblems and names, as adopted in implementation of the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols in over 130 States worldwide.
With kind regards and looking forward to meeting all members of the discussion group in Copenhagen at the end of this week,

Stéphane J. Hankins
Legal adviser
Cooperation and coordination within the Movement
International Committee of the Red Cross
Tel (direct line): ++0041 22 730 24 19

-----discussion-igo-rc-bounces at icann.org a écrit : ----- 
A : "discussion-igo-rc at icann.org" <discussion-igo-rc at icann.org>
De : Mary Wong 
Envoyé par : discussion-igo-rc-bounces at icann.org
Date : 04/03/2017 22:10
Objet : [Discussion-igo-rc] FOR REVIEW: List of updated documents

Dear all,
On behalf of Bruce Tonkin, please find attached an updated Problem Statement on the topic of Red Cross identifier protections. 
With this update, this means that the following documents have now been circulated to this group as of today:
·         Red Cross – updated Problem Statement (dated today, 4 March 2017) and draft Briefing Paper (circulated on 2 March 2017)
·         IGOs – Problem Statement (updated and circulated on 2 March 2017)
All the above-noted documents, as well as an updated Process Framework Outline (most recently updated by Bruce) can be found on this page on the Discussion Group’s wiki space, marked either “Updated” or “New”: https://community.icann.org/x/hIPRAw. 
Staff is continuing to work with Bruce to try to complete a draft Briefing Paper on IGO Acronyms for circulation as soon as we can.
Thanks and cheers
Mary and Olof
Discussion-igo-rc mailing list
Discussion-igo-rc at icann.org
The ICRC - working to protect and assist people affected by armed conflict and
other situations of violence. Find out more: www.icrc.org

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