[Discussion-igo-rc] PLEASE READ for Red Cross topic session: logistics meeting, breakfast and UPDATED Problem Statement

Jorge.Cancio at bakom.admin.ch Jorge.Cancio at bakom.admin.ch
Fri Mar 10 08:38:17 UTC 2017

Dear Mary and Bruce

Thanks for these infos and the updated document (which we still have to look into).

As to the comment regarding the need to include the specific rationale followed by the GNSO in its final report of November 2013, I feel we absolutely need to have a summary of it in the “problem statement”.

Otherwise it is difficult to understand the logic and motivations of the GNSO decision of 2013 regarding the different treatment of scope 1 and scope 2 identifiers. Hence, I would like to insist that this summary is included, in order to allow for a full understanding of the GNSO decisions at that time. A footnote with pointers to the specific text in the final report would also be needed, in order to being able to track the source where the full rationale is included.

As to the GAC rationale, as noted, it is well summarized in the problem statement and also in the Minority Statement and Position filed by the Red Cross to the final report of 2013.

Thanks and regards


Von: discussion-igo-rc-bounces at icann.org [mailto:discussion-igo-rc-bounces at icann.org] Im Auftrag von Mary Wong
Gesendet: Freitag, 10. März 2017 07:36
An: discussion-igo-rc at icann.org
Betreff: [Discussion-igo-rc] PLEASE READ for Red Cross topic session: logistics meeting, breakfast and UPDATED Problem Statement
Wichtigkeit: Hoch

Dear all, on behalf of Bruce Tonkin, please take note of the following three points:

·         Brief meeting to discuss logistics for Saturday morning:
Bruce suggests that those GAC, GNSO and Red Cross representatives who are available meet for a quick chat today (Friday 10 March) at 4 p.m., to walk through the Saturday session logistics, e.g. speaking duration, speaking sequence etc. Please meet today (Friday) outside Hall C1.4 at 4 p.m. so that you can also familiarize yourself with the room where the session will be held (note – this room is at the very end of the very large ground floor convention center complex so it will take you a few minutes to get there if you are coming from the AC Bella Sky Hotel). It is fine if you are not available as this is only going to be a quick meeting to go over logistics.

·         Breakfast on Saturday morning:
The GAC and GNSO delegations who will be representing each of the two communities in the facilitated discussions this weekend (for both Red Cross and IGOs) are invited to take their breakfast prior to the Saturday morning meeting in The Treehouse (first floor of the convention center; this is the meals area for the Board and ICANN staff). Breakfast will be available beginning at 06.30 a.m. For those staying off-site, note that the first shuttle from the various other official hotels leave at 07.00: https://meetings.icann.org/sites/default/files/icann58_hotel_shuttles_webversion.pdf (the Copenhagen metro system runs 24/7).

·         Updated documentation (Red Cross):
Bruce has reviewed the latest suggestions and updates that were circulated to this list and posted to the Discussion Group wiki. Please find attached some additional updates suggested by Bruce for the Saturday discussion. Staff will post these to the wiki as well as to the agenda on the ICANN meeting schedule for Saturday.

Thanks and cheers
Mary & Olof
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