[Discussion-igo-rc] GNSO procedure for making a change to policy recommendations that have not yet been approved by the ICANN Board

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Sat Mar 11 12:41:44 UTC 2017

Hello All,

For information, the GNSO Policy Development Process Manual available at:

Has a procedure for dealing with the current situation.  

"16. Amendments or Modifications of Approved Policies

Approved GNSO Council policies may be modified or amended by the GNSO Council at any time prior to the final approval by the ICANN Board as follows:

1. The PDP Team is reconvened or, if disbanded, reformed, and should be consulted with regards to the proposed amendments or modifications;

2. The proposed amendments or modifications are posted for public comment for not less than thirty
(30) days;

3. The GNSO Council approves of such amendments or modifications with a Supermajority Vote of both Houses in favour.

Approved GNSO Council policies that have been adopted by the ICANN Board and have been implemented by ICANN Staff may only be amended by the initiation of a new PDP on the issue."

Bruce Tonkin

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