[Discussion-igo-rc] Possible text for a Board resolution following the discussion on Red Cross on Saturday morning

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Tue Mar 14 13:40:44 UTC 2017

Hello All,

At the conclusion for the discussion on protection for names of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the GNSO delegation proposed that the Board formally ask the GNSO to investigate.

Here is some possible text of a Board resolution that could be passed on Thursday for your comment:

"Whereas, during the facilitated discussion, the affected parties discussed the following matters: 

	(1)	The list of the names of the Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies is a finite, limited list of specific names recognized within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement  (see http://www.ifrc.org/Docs/ExcelExport/NS_Directory.pdf) ;

	(2)	The GAC's rationale for seeking permanent protection for the terms most closely associated with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and its respective components is grounded in the protections of the designations "Red Cross", "Red Crescent", "Red Lion and Sun", and "Red Crystal" under international treaty law and under multiple national laws;

	(3)	There are no other legitimate uses for these terms; and 

	(4)	The public policy considerations associated with protecting the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement identifiers in the domain name system (DNS).

Whereas, the participants in the facilitated discussion took note that, following the completion of the GNSO PDP, the GAC provided additional guidance as to the specific International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement identifiers for which protections were being sought.   

Whereas, the Board has considered the outputs from the facilitated discussion in the context of ICANN's mission and ICANN's commitment to carry out its mission in conformity with relevant principles of international law and international conventions and applicable local law, as expressed in ICANN's Bylaws.

Resolved (xx.xx.2017.xx), the Board requests that the GNSO initiate its process for Amendments or Modifications of Approved Policies, as described in Section 16 of the GNSO PDP Manual, to consider amending Recommendation 5 in Section 3.1. of the PDP Working Group Final Report to duly take into account the public policy advice to reserve the finite list of names of the Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, as recognized within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in all gTLDs.

Bruce Tonkin

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