[Discussion-igo-rc] Example of laws on international orgs

Beckham, Brian brian.beckham at wipo.int
Thu May 11 07:19:08 UTC 2017

Thanks for pointing this out Bruce.

This squarely underscores what has been put forward inter alia by IGOs and the GAC for some years now (which was also noted as having broad agreement in concluding the Sunday evening session in Copenhagen), namely a strong public policy basis for the limited protection sought for IGO identifiers in furtherance of their global public missions -- of which we are all beneficiaries.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: discussion-igo-rc-bounces at icann.org [mailto:discussion-igo-rc-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Bruce Tonkin
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 6:31 AM
To: discussion-igo-rc at icann.org
Subject: [Discussion-igo-rc] Example of laws on international orgs

Hello All,

Just been informed that Australia does have a law related to International Organizations:

So this is an example of applicable local law:

International Organisations (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1963


" Except with the consent in writing of the Minister, a person (including a body corporate) shall not:

    (a)  use the name or an abbreviation of the name of an international organisation to which this Act applies in connexion with a trade, business, profession, calling or occupation;"

There is a list of organizations to which the act applies.

Looks like strong protection at least in Australia.

Bruce Tonkin

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