[Gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl] Action items from today's IRT call

Roman, Peter (CRM) Peter.Roman at usdoj.gov
Wed Mar 7 18:07:36 UTC 2018

FWIW, I am not very happy with the one business day requirement to action the law enforcement High Priority request.  Even a 24 hour window is too long.  This is an emergency, that’s why we will be using this process.  It really should be actioned more or less immediately.  If it didn’t need immediate attention, we wouldn’t be using the High Priority process.

Peter Roman

Senior Counsel
Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section
Criminal Division
Department of Justice
1301 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 305-1323
peter.roman at usdoj.gov<mailto:peter.roman at usdoj.gov>

From: Gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl [mailto:gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Amy Bivins
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 11:42 AM
To: gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl at icann.org
Subject: [Gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl] Action items from today's IRT call

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your participation on today’s privacy/proxy IRT call. If you couldn’t attend, I encourage you to listen to the recording, https://community.icann.org/display/IRT/06+March+2018

If you haven’t already, please complete the IRT poll regarding the potential policy implications surrounding the IRT discussions on the LEA framework specification no later than Friday, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CMGF8FZ Currently, two IRT members have indicated that they believe the issue should be escalated to the Council. Fourteen responded that this should not be escalated to the Council at this stage.

Today, we solicited any additional feedback related to the draft reporting specification. I’ve attached a draft with some notes indicating the feedback received to date. We will begin updating the specification based on this feedback, and will consider any additional feedback received between now and the end of the IRT session at ICANN61 in updating the draft.

We also discussed a proposal from Sara Bockey on-list, which has been supported by several other registrar members of the IRT, for alternative language for the LEA Framework Specification.

The proposed language is:

4.1.2 Where a disclosure request has been categorized as High Priority, this
must be actioned within 24 hours. The LEA Requestor will detail the
threat type and justification for a request with a Priority Level of High Priority. Where a disclosure request has been categorized as High Priority, LEA will make every effort to contact the Provider directly to discuss the matter, and should it be determined that Provider has useful information, Provider shall use its best efforts to action the request within one business day, noting that a court order/subpoena may still be required prior to release of any information.  Registrar will not be required to take any action in contravention of applicable law.

Based on the discussion today, it’s possible that an edit could potentially be made in Section 3.1, to eliminate the perceived need for the “contact the Provider directly” language, such as: 3.1 Pre‐Request: Provider will establish and maintain a designated LEA Requestor point of contact for submitting disclosure requests. Provider shall publish on its website the designated contact (e.g. email address, telephone number, form) or other means for LEA to obtain designated LEA contact information).

I’ll note that because LEA are not a party to this contract, I don’t think they could be required via this contract to “make every effort,” so that may be a point to consider. Also, the draft already states, at Section that a Provider can refuse disclosure if the disclosure would lead to a contravention of applicable law. Concerns have also been raised about the “best efforts” language.

IRT feedback is requested on-list on the above proposed language. If IRT members who oppose the current PSWG-proposed text can reach agreement on proposed language, this can be published for public comment. This will be on the agenda for the session on Sunday at ICANN61. A full agenda will be distributed later this week. In addition, if the IRT would like to discuss any items from the updated PPAA draft in Puerto Rico, please let me know.


Amy E. Bivins
Registrar Services and Engagement Senior Manager
Registrar Services and Industry Relations
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Direct: +1 (202) 249-7551
Fax:  +1 (202) 789-0104
Email: amy.bivins at icann.org<mailto:amy.bivins at icann.org>

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