[Gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl] Update, action items following PP IRT meetings at ICANN61

Amy Bivins amy.bivins at icann.org
Tue Mar 13 18:01:10 UTC 2018

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you are well. If you were unable to attend the ICANN61 privacy/proxy IRT face-to-face meeting in person or listen in, I encourage you to review the recording, available here: https://participate.icann.org/p4gkq5rzjbj/

Below, you will see a list of outstanding items, as well as a call for your feedback. Please review carefully. We are requesting your final feedback on items (1)-(2) by this Friday.

During the session on Sunday, the IRT heard a presentation from ICANN org finance regarding the proposed fee schedule. ICANN is reviewing the IRT's request for additional supporting data and intends to provide a response next week.

The IRT heard an update on discussions between PSWG and registrar members of the IRT on the LEA Disclosure Framework Specification. PSWG and registrar members continue to discuss this topic this week, with the goal of determining whether a compromise can be reached by this Friday.

IRT Action Items

  1.  Request for feedback on draft reporting specification, per discussion on the list. Any additional IRT feedback is requested by the end of this week. We will draft any updates in response to your feedback early next week.
     *   The most significant issue appears to be the level of detail that should be required for the reports. Registrar members of the IRT have asserted that it will be difficult to provide the level of detail proposed (or that these could be prone to human error in reporting)-regarding types of requests (LEA, IP, Other) and reporting by-registrar and by-TLD. Any additional feedback is specifically requested on this topic this week. A decision will be made on this after the close of ICANN61, for the purpose of drafting final proposed requirements for public comment.
     *   There were issues raised about using the RRI reporting system versus allowing forms to be emailed. ICANN provided additional details (attached) on the RRI process (creating spreadsheet using standard format, converting to CSV, and submitting using API). The RRI process would be largely the same using an emailed form (the only difference would be emailing the CSV or spreadsheet rather than using the API). Considering the benefits of using RRI (less manual review of reports, immediate notifications to providers if there are problems with the report, less back-and-forth to correct report errors) ICANN proposes to keep the RRI requirement absent significant opposition to this from the IRT. Training for how to use the RRI system can be provided for providers who need it.
  2.  A question on the data escrow specification: Does the IRT see an issue with making the data escrow specification a separate document from the PPAA, so that it can be more easily updated if/when technical requirements change (as is done for registrars)?
  3.  Any additional IRT feedback on updated PPAA draft (attached) requested by 23 March.

Our next IRT meeting is scheduled for 27 March, 1400 UTC.


Amy E. Bivins
Registrar Services and Engagement Senior Manager
Registrar Services and Industry Relations
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Direct: +1 (202) 249-7551
Fax:  +1 (202) 789-0104
Email: amy.bivins at icann.org<mailto:amy.bivins at icann.org>

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Subject: [Gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl] Additional Background Re: Proposed PP	Reporting Process
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