[Gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl] Informal Gathering at ICANN78 for Privacy/Proxy Policy Implementation

Dennis Chang dennis.chang at icann.org
Fri Oct 6 19:10:26 UTC 2023

Dear Privacy Proxy IRT members,

I am writing to you to see if we could get together at ICANN78 for an informal conversation regarding Privacy Proxy Policy Implementation.  As you may recall, the implementation work in progress on the PPSAI recommendations<https://www.icann.org/en/board-activities-and-meetings/materials/approved-resolutions-special-meeting-of-the-icann-board-09-08-2016-en#2.e> was paused in September 2019 due to overlapping issues being considered in expedited policy work.

ICANN org has been looking at when and how this work can be resumed and has identified some key questions and options for proceeding.  We thought it would be helpful to get some feedback on current thinking, to help with our planning, taking advantage of ICANN78.

To be clear, this is not a reconvening of the IRT nor a commitment to volunteer for future work. Rather, this is an informal discussion on what has changed, and how to weigh the options that are available to us now.

I am thinking of a 45-minute session where we can discuss what was done, why, and what has changed since then. We could also potentially open discussion for new implementation approach options that may be available to us now.  Since this is an informal gathering and not a closed meeting for IRT, please let me know of others who would be interested and helpful in this conversation.

Please reply to me off list and we will set up a time and space.

Kind Regards,
Dennis S. Chang - dennis.chang at icann.org
GDD Programs Director
Phone: +1 213 293 7889
Sykpe: dennisSchang
www.icann.org<http://www.icann.org>  One World – One Internet

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