[GNSO-Accuracy-ST] Survey Update / Explaination

Michael Palage michael at palage.com
Tue Oct 5 13:09:05 UTC 2021

Hello All,


So I spoke with our ICANN Org colleagues and this is what appears to have  happened:


1.	If someone skipped a response or if the survey tool did not record a response (as appears to be the case in Sarah) then the results could not be correlated.
2.	Our ICANN Org colleagues offered to manually process them and put them in an spreadsheet, but I really did not really think it was the most prudent use of their time. The survey was meant to get people thinking. On today’s call we will be doing a quick introductory roll-call so individuals can either “own” their survey results or opt for anonymity. 


So in conclusion, in order to make most efficient use of our limited 60 minutes, I propose that we proceed with the course of action outlined in bullet point #2. 


Hopefully this is a satisfactory resolution for everyone.


Best regards,




P.S. Sarah thanks for completing the survey

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