[GNSO-Accuracy-ST] Thursday Game Plan

Marika Konings marika.konings at icann.org
Wed Aug 10 19:38:26 UTC 2022

Hello All,

Brian G (Org liaison) is out this week, but I wanted to flag that ICANN org will need more time to consult internally on these new proposals. Given their very recent introduction there was not adequate time for consultation before the 11 Aug call for org to provide feedback to the team. If the 11 Aug discussion results in a decision to include these proposals (or some adaptation of these proposals) into the team's recommendations, ICANN org will provide its feedback as soon as possible after the call.

Best regards,


From: GNSO-Accuracy-ST <gnso-accuracy-st-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of "michael palage.com" <michael at palage.com>
Date: Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 15:05
To: "gnso-accuracy-st at icann.org" <gnso-accuracy-st at icann.org>
Subject: [GNSO-Accuracy-ST] Thursday Game Plan

Hello All,

As we near the end to the first part of our journey I would like to set expectations for tomorrow’s call.

In an ideal world, tomorrow we are able to reach consensus on the comments submitted by the IPC and we conclude our work and our report is sent to the GNSO Council by Monday. (Option A).

However, given the last minute submission of the IPC comments, this may not be possible as some stakeholder groups may need more time for internal consultation. Now depending upon the exchange during tomorrow there are two additional options as I currently see it.

The first is that there is strong push back from a significant portion of the group suggesting that there is little to no likelihood of any consensus.  In this case, I am inclined (unless there is consensus within the group otherwise) to declare an impasse. In this situation, the original text of the report would be finalized and I would ask any member/stakeholder groups to prepare their minority/opposition statements that would be included as an annex.  We would need these statements submitted by close of business Monday August 15th to meet existing GNSO Council timelines. (Option B)

If I declare an impasse in our work (e.g. there is no consensus within the group against this determination) but there is push back to the Monday August 15th timeline, I will extend the delivery of our final report to the GNSO Council.  This delay will likely have the knock on effect of this group not meeting at ICANN75. Notwithstanding any delay needed for the submission of these minority/opposition statements, it is my intention to have a final report sent to the Council by the end of the month.
(Option C).

Hopefully this provides a clear roadmap to tomorrow’s call.

Best regards,


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